Source: T194 Preface

Anon 未詳作者. Sengqieluocha jing xu 僧伽羅剎經序.

Preserved in CSZJJ T2145:55.71b2-23. Demiéville (1954): 363 states that there can be no doubt that this preface is by Dao'an.


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The text had been brought to Chang'an by Saṃghabhūti/‌*Saṃghabhadra(?) 僧伽跋澄; the preface does not state directly what his role was in the translation process [MR: on the pattern of other prefaces, it seems likely that he "held", i.e. read, the "Western text" 胡本], but it explicitly states that Zhu Fonian translated, and Huisong 慧嵩 acted as amanuensis.


[Demiéville (1954): 363 states that there can be no doubt that this preface is by Dao'an.]


CSZJJ T2145:55.71b2-23.

The text had been brought to Chang'an by Samghabhuti/‌*Samghabhadra(?) 僧伽跋澄; the preface does not state directly what his role was in the translation process [MR: on the pattern of other prefaces, it seems likely that he "held", i.e. read, the "Western text" 胡本], but it explicitly states that Zhu Fonian translated, and Huisong 慧嵩 acted as amanuensis. 以建元二十年。罽賓沙門僧伽跋澄。齎此經本來詣長安。武威太守趙文業請令出焉。佛念為譯。慧嵩筆受 [Demieville (1954): 363 states that there can be no doubt that this preface is by Dao'an.] Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 T0194; 僧伽羅剎所集經