Source: Zhu Fonian Preface 1

Zhu Fonian 竺佛念. Wangzi Fayi huai mu yinyuan jing xu 王子法益壞目因緣經序.

Preserved in CSZJJ T2145:55.51b14-c16.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

This preface seems to indicate that the actual work of translation was done by Zhu Fonian himself, and Dharmanandi (as in other cases) was responsible for supplying and reading the text. Zhu Fonian introduces a set of somewhat self-critical remarks about his own translation practice by saying "In making this translation, I..." 佛念譯音...


CSZJJ T2145:55.51b14-c16

This preface seems to indicate that the actual work of translation was done by Zhu Fonian himself, and Dharmanandi (as in other cases) was responsible for supplying and reading the text. Zhu Fonian introduces a set of somewhat self-critical remarks about his own translation practice by saying "In making this translation, I..." 佛念譯音... 請天竺沙門曇摩難提。出斯緣本。秦建初六年歲在辛卯。於安定城。二月十八日出。至二十五日乃訖。胡本三百四十三首盧也。傳為漢文。一萬八千言。佛念譯音... Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 T2045; 阿育王息壞目因緣經