Source: GSZ Buddhayasas

Gao seng zhuan 高僧傳 Buddhayaśas 佛陀耶 biography


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Buddhayaśas translated the original text; Zhu Fonian 佛念 was the actual translator; Daohan 道含 acted as amanuensis.

Yao Xing was concerned that Buddhayaśas's memory might not be up to the task, and in order to test him, had him memorise 50,000 words of census records and apothecary's prescriptions. Buddhayaśas proved his mettle, and wowed everyone, by completing the task flawlessly in two days flat.



T2059:50.334b9-21; cf. Yoshikawa and Funayama (2009): 1:188-196

Buddhayasas translated the original text; Zhu Fonian 佛念 was the actual translator; Daohan 道含 acted as amanuensis. Yao Xing was concerned that Buddhayasas's memory might not be up to the task, and in order to test him, had him memorise 50,000 words of census records and apothecary's prescriptions. Buddhayasas proved his mettle, and wowed everyone, by completing the task flawlessly in two days flat. 於城南造寺。耶舍先誦曇無德律。偽司隸校尉姚爽請令出之。興疑其遺謬。乃請耶舍令誦羌籍藥方可五萬言。經二日乃執文覆之不誤一字。眾服其強記。即以弘始十二年譯出四分律凡四十四卷。并長阿含等。涼州沙門竺佛念譯為秦言。道含筆受。至十五年解座. Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 T0001; 長阿含經

Buddhayaśas translated the original text; Zhu Fonian 佛念 was the actual translator; Daohan 道含 acted as amanuensis.

Yao Xing was concerned that Buddhayaśas's memory might not be up to the task, and in order to test him, had him memorise 50,000 words of census records and apothecary's prescriptions. Buddhayaśas proved his mettle, and wowed everyone, by completing the task flawlessly in two days flat.



T2059:50.334b9-21; cf. Yoshikawa and Funayama (2009): 1:188-196

Buddhayasas translated the original text; Zhu Fonian 佛念 was the actual translator; Daohan 道含 acted as amanuensis. Yao Xing was concerned that Buddhayasas's memory might not be up to the task, and in order to test him, had him memorise 50,000 words of census records and apothecary's prescriptions. Buddhayasas proved his mettle, and wowed everyone, by completing the task flawlessly in two days flat. 於城南造寺。耶舍先誦曇無德律。偽司隸校尉姚爽請令出之。興疑其遺謬。乃請耶舍令誦羌籍藥方可五萬言。經二日乃執文覆之不誤一字。眾服其強記。即以弘始十二年譯出四分律凡四十四卷。并長阿含等。涼州沙門竺佛念譯為秦言。道含筆受。至十五年解座. Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 T1428; 四分律; 曇無德律