Source: Chavannes 1905

Chavannes, Édouard. “Jinagupta (528-605 après J.-C.).” T’oung Pao, Second Series, 6 no. 3 (1905): 332-356.


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Chavannes translates a passage from the biography of *Jñānagupta/*Jinagupta 闍那崛多 in Daoxuan’s 道宣 Xu gao seng zhuan 續高僧傳. It states that various component texts that were eventually incorporated into the Mahāsaṃnipāta 大方等大集經 T397 were translated earlier by such figures as Dharmarakṣa 曇羅什, but that further portions had been translated by Narendrayaśas, such as the 日藏分 Sūryagarbhavaipulya and the 月藏分 *Candragarbhavaipulya. Consequently, in 586, Sengjiu 僧就 recompliled the text anew to make a synoptic version that included all the known parts [cf. the similar, nearly contemporaneous work of Baogui 寶貴 on the Suvarṇa(pra)bhāsottama-sūtra 合部金光明經---MR]. Moreover, in 591, another monk called Hongqing 洪慶, who was officially charged with oversight of the redaction of the canon, "revised and amended" Sengjiu's collection.

[Text continues with interesting traditions about Khotan:] 崛多曾傳。于闐東南二千餘里有遮拘迦國。彼王純信敬重大乘。宮中自有摩訶般若大集華嚴三部。王躬受持親執鎖鑰。轉讀則開香華供養。或以諸餅果誘引小王令其禮拜。此國東南可二十餘里。山甚巖險有深淨窟。置大集華嚴方等寶積楞伽方廣舍利弗花聚二陀羅尼都薩羅藏摩訶般若八部般若大雲經等凡十二部。減十萬偈。國法相傳防衛守護。又有入滅定羅漢三人。窟中禪寂。每至月半。諸僧就山為其淨髮。此則人法住持。有生之所憑賴; T2060:50.434b3-25.



Chavannes translates a passage from the biography of *Jnanagupta/*Jinagupta 闍那崛多 in Daoxuan’s 道宣 Xu gao seng zhuan 續高僧傳. It states that various component texts that were eventually incorporated into the Mahasamnipata 大方等大集經 T397 were translated earlier by such figures as Dharmaraksa 曇羅什, but that further portions had been translated by Narendrayasas, such as the 日藏分 Suryagarbhavaipulya and the 月藏分 *Candragarbhavaipulya. Consequently, in 586, Sengjiu 僧就 recompliled the text anew to make a synoptic version that included all the known parts [cf. the similar, nearly contemporaneous work of Baogui 寶貴 on the Suvarna(pra)bhasottama-sutra 合部金光明經---MR]. Moreover, in 591, another monk called Hongqing 洪慶, who was officially charged with oversight of the redaction of the canon, "revised and amended" Sengjiu's collection. 昔支曇羅什等所出大集。卷軸多以三十成部。及耶舍高齊之世出月藏經一十二卷。隋初後出日藏分一十五卷。既是大集廣本。而前後譯分。遂便支離。部帙覊散。開皇六年。有招提寺沙門僧就。合之為六十卷。就少出家專寶坊學。雖加宣導恨。文相未融。乃例括相從。附入大部。至於詞旨愜當未善精窮。比有大興善寺沙門洪慶者。識度明達。為國監寫藏經。更釐改就所合者。名題前後甚得理致。且今見翻諸經。有多是大集餘品。略而會之應滿百卷。若依梵本。此經凡十萬偈。據以隋文可三百卷。 [Text continues with interesting traditions about Khotan:] 崛多曾傳。于闐東南二千餘里有遮拘迦國。彼王純信敬重大乘。宮中自有摩訶般若大集華嚴三部。王躬受持親執鎖鑰。轉讀則開香華供養。或以諸餅果誘引小王令其禮拜。此國東南可二十餘里。山甚巖險有深淨窟。置大集華嚴方等寶積楞伽方廣舍利弗花聚二陀羅尼都薩羅藏摩訶般若八部般若大雲經等凡十二部。減十萬偈。國法相傳防衛守護。又有入滅定羅漢三人。窟中禪寂。每至月半。諸僧就山為其淨髮。此則人法住持。有生之所憑賴; T2060:50.434b3-25. Hongqing 洪慶 Sengjiu 僧就 T0397; 大方等大集經