Source: Hureau 2009

Hureau, Sylvie. "Translations, Apocrypha, and the Emergence of the Buddhist Canon." In Early Chinese Religion, Part Two: The Period of Division (220-589 AC), edited by John Lagerwey and Lü Pengzhi, 741-774. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4: China. Leiden: Brill, 2009.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Hureau notes that these three lost texts were mentioned as suspect by Sengyou in CSZJJ. On the strength of their titles, she treats them as examples of texts which would have taught apocalyptic themes connected with a messianic theme. "None of these apocrypha have been found, but we may surmise they took up and developed a prediction of the Buddha reported by canonical sūtras concerning the arrival in China of the bodhisattva Yueguang [*Candraprabhā(kumāra)] at the time of the extinction of the Law (referring also to T545, T534).



Hureau notes that these three lost texts were mentioned as suspect by Sengyou in CSZJJ. On the strength of their titles, she treats them as examples of texts which would have taught apocalyptic themes connected with a messianic theme. "None of these apocrypha have been found, but we may surmise they took up and developed a prediction of the Buddha reported by canonical sutras concerning the arrival in China of the bodhisattva Yueguang [*Candraprabha(kumara)] at the time of the extinction of the Law (referring also to T545, T534). Fo bo ji jiashen nian daoshui ji Yueguang pusa chushi 佛鉢記甲申年大水及月光菩薩出事; Fo bo jing 佛鉢經 Guan Yueguang pusa ji 觀月光菩薩記 Mile xia jiao 彌勒下教

Hureau mentions the An zhai shenzhou jing 安宅神呪經 as an example of apocrypha treating the theme of the decline of the Dharma. In support of the assertion that it is apocryphal, she cites the assertion to that effect in Fajing T2146:55.138b18 (in the list entitled zhongjing weiwang 眾經偽妄).



Hureau mentions the An zhai shenzhou jing 安宅神呪經 as an example of apocrypha treating the theme of the decline of the Dharma. In support of the assertion that it is apocryphal, she cites the assertion to that effect in Fajing T2146:55.138b18 (in the list entitled zhongjing weiwang 眾經偽妄). T1394; 佛說安宅神呪經

Hureau mentions the 安宅神呪經 as an example of apocrypha treating the theme of the decline of the Dharma. In support of the assertion that it is apocryphal, she cites the assertion to that effect in Fajing T2146:55.138b18 (in the list entitled 眾經偽妄).



Hureau mentions the 安宅神呪經 as an example of apocrypha treating the theme of the decline of the Dharma. In support of the assertion that it is apocryphal, she cites the assertion to that effect in Fajing T2146:55.138b18 (in the list entitled 眾經偽妄). T1394; 佛說安宅神呪經

Hureau says that Hirakawa has argued that "in their present form, these texts [T1432, T1433] seem to be extracts from the translation of the complete Dharmaguptaka Vinaya, which appeared at the beginning of the 5th century." She refers to Hirakawa (1960): 203.



Hureau says that Hirakawa has argued that "in their present form, these texts [T1432, T1433] seem to be extracts from the translation of the complete Dharmaguptaka Vinaya, which appeared at the beginning of the 5th century." She refers to Hirakawa (1960): 203. T1432; 曇無德律部雜羯磨 T1433; 羯磨

Hureau briefly mentions the 決罪福經 T2868 as an example of an apocryphon treating endtimes motifs. According to Hureau, the text is listed as apocryphal in CSZJJ. Hureau also mentions T2868 as an example of texts for which manuscripts are extant with fifth or sixth century dates, "a fact which proves they were not at the time marked as spurious and rejected, but on the contrary circulated as authentic sūtras."


767, 770

Hureau briefly mentions the 決罪福經 T2868 as an example of an apocryphon treating endtimes motifs. According to Hureau, the text is listed as apocryphal in CSZJJ. Hureau also mentions T2868 as an example of texts for which manuscripts are extant with fifth or sixth century dates, "a fact which proves they were not at the time marked as spurious and rejected, but on the contrary circulated as authentic sutras." T2868; 決罪福經