Source: T398 Colophon

Anon. Rulai da'ai jing ji 如來大哀經記.

Preserved at CSZJJ T2145:55.63b13-18. Text: 元康元年七月七日。燉煌菩薩支法護。手執胡經。經名如來大哀。口授聶承遠道真正書晉言。以其年八月二十三日訖。護親自覆挍。當令大法光顯流布。其有攬者。疾得總持暢澤妙法.


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Translated in 291 by Dharmarakṣa [here called 支法護], who "held the hu text in his hands 手執胡經 and translated orally 口授 for Nie Chengyuan 聶承遠 and [Nie] Daozhen 道真, who wrote it out in a fair hand 正書 in the Jin language 晉言.


Translated in 291 by Dharmaraksa [here called 支法護], who "held the hu text in his hands 手執胡經 and translated orally 口授 for Nie Chengyuan 聶承遠 and [Nie] Daozhen 道真, who wrote it out in a fair hand 正書 in the Jin language 晉言. 元康元年七月七日。燉煌菩薩支法護。手執胡經。經名如來大哀。口授聶承遠道真正書晉言。以其年八月二十三日訖。護親自覆挍。當令大法光顯流布。其有攬者。疾得總持暢澤妙法. Dharmaraksa 竺法護, 曇摩羅察 T0398; 大哀經