Source: Panglung 1991

Panglung, Jampa L. "Die tibetische Version des Siebengestirn-sūtras." In Tibetan History and Language: Studies Dedicated to Uray Géza on his Seventieth Birthday, herausgegeben von Ernst Steinkellner, 399-416. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 1991.


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Panglung states that the canonicity of the Tibetan version of the "Seven Stars Sūtra" ("Big Dipper Sūtra", "Ursa Major Sūtra"), the sMe bdun zhes bya bai' skar ma'i mdo, is controversial. The text is incorporated into the Peking version of the canon only, and is also found in manuscripts in Berlin, and in dhāraṇī collections (gZungs bsdus). In the Peking canon it is inserted between two other sūtras which are regarded as apocrypha (sTag ma'i rtogs pa brjod pa, Mig bcu bnyis pa'i mdo). Panglung presents an edition and translation of the Tibetan text.


Panglung states that the canonicity of the Tibetan version of the "Seven Stars Sutra" ("Big Dipper Sutra", "Ursa Major Sutra"), the sMe bdun zhes bya bai' skar ma'i mdo, is controversial. The text is incorporated into the Peking version of the canon only, and is also found in manuscripts in Berlin, and in dharani collections (gZungs bsdus). In the Peking canon it is inserted between two other sutras which are regarded as apocrypha (sTag ma'i rtogs pa brjod pa, Mig bcu bnyis pa'i mdo). Panglung presents an edition and translation of the Tibetan text. T1305; 北斗七星念誦儀軌 T1306; 北斗七星護摩祕要儀軌 T1307; 佛說北斗七星延命經 T1310; 北斗七星護摩法