Source: Nattier 2007

Nattier, Jan. "Indian Antecedents of Huayan Thought: New Light from Chinese Sources." In Reflecting Mirrors: Perspectives on Huayan Buddhism, edited by Imre Hamar, 109-138. Weisbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

T280, 282 and 283 together comprise the oldest known text on the ten stages of the bodhisattva path, and can now be reascribed to Lokakṣema. Paralleled by Zhi Qian’s T281.


T280, 282 and 283 together comprise the oldest known text on the ten stages of the bodhisattva path, and can now be reascribed to Lokaksema. Paralleled by Zhi Qian’s T281. *Lokaksema, 支婁迦讖 T0280; 佛說兜沙經 T0282; Pusa qiu Fo ben ye jing 菩薩求佛本業經; 諸菩薩求佛本業經 T0283; 菩薩十住行道品

This text borrows almost the entirely of T283 word-for-word (probably, in fact, indirectly via T1487); it is thus a Chinese composition.


This text borrows almost the entirely of T283 word-for-word (probably, in fact, indirectly via T1487); it is thus a Chinese composition. T0284; 佛說菩薩十住經

"The entire text appears to be apocryphal."


Appendix 2

"The entire text appears to be apocryphal." T0778; 佛說菩薩內習六波羅蜜經

"This text can easily be recognised as an apocryphon (for a convenient discussion see Strickmann 1990)."


Appendix 2

"This text can easily be recognised as an apocryphon (for a convenient discussion see Strickmann 1990)." T1331; 佛說灌頂經

"Long known to be an apocryphon."


Appendix 2

"Long known to be an apocryphon." T1485; 菩薩瓔珞本業經; Pusa yingluo jing 菩薩瓔珞經

The section on the ten stages of T1487 borrows almost the entirely of T283 word-for-word. T1487 is thus a Chinese composition. Further, the Pusa shi zhu jing 菩薩十住經 contains content very similar to both. Nattier thinks T284 borrowed from T1487, not directly from T283.


Appendix 2

The section on the ten stages of T1487 borrows almost the entirely of T283 word-for-word. T1487 is thus a Chinese composition. Further, the Pusa shi zhu jing 菩薩十住經 contains content very similar to both. Nattier thinks T284 borrowed from T1487, not directly from T283. T1487; Pusa jie jing 菩薩戒經; 佛說菩薩內戒經; Pusa jie jing 菩薩誡經