Source: Nattier 2006

Nattier, Jan. “The Names of Amitābha/Amitāyus in Early Chinese Buddhist Translations (2).” ARIRIAB 10 (2007): 359-394.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search



T0533; 菩薩生地經; Ksemankara-sutra; 差摩竭經

Nattier points out that the verses of T418 include some expressions typical of Zhi Qian, and also share some rare terms with T632. Both works also show signs of being revised. She suggests that the verses of these two texts may have been added by Zhi Qian. Nattier also notes that these verse portions of both T632 and T418 include sections of six-character verse, "a virtual fingerprint of Zhi Qian's activity".



Nattier points out that the verses of T418 include some expressions typical of Zhi Qian, and also share some rare terms with T632. Both works also show signs of being revised. She suggests that the verses of these two texts may have been added by Zhi Qian. Nattier also notes that these verse portions of both T632 and T418 include sections of six-character verse, "a virtual fingerprint of Zhi Qian's activity". T0418; 般舟三昧經 T0632; 佛說慧印三昧經; Tathagatajnanamudrasamadhi