Source: Silk 2013

Silk, Jonathan A. “Review Article: Buddhist Sūtras in Sanskrit from the Potala.” IIJ 56 (2013): 61-87.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

"As [Vinitā Bhikṣuṇī] points out...the colophon of the 17th text, Anantabuyyddhakṣetraguṇodbhāvanā, prov[es] that the Buddhāvataṃsaka Vaipulyapiṭaka existed as a collection already in the Indian subcontinent, and thus is not an East Asian innovation.”



"As [Vinita Bhiksuni] points out...the colophon of the 17th text, Anantabuyyddhaksetragunodbhavana, prov[es] that the Buddhavatamsaka Vaipulyapitaka existed as a collection already in the Indian subcontinent, and thus is not an East Asian innovation.” T0278; 大方廣佛華嚴經 T0279; 大方廣佛華嚴經