Source: Greene 2016

Greene, Eric M. “A Reassessment of the Early History of Chinese Buddhist Vegetarianism.” Asia Major (3rd series) 29, no. 1 (2016): 1-43.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Citing Okayama Kajime and Jungnok Park, Greene writes, "There are many highly suspicious passages throughout T20 that are found in no other versions of the text and which look almost certain to have been composed in China." Greene notes that for him, Park's "examples are not all persuasive".


13-14, n. 36

Citing Okayama Kajime and Jungnok Park, Greene writes, "There are many highly suspicious passages throughout T20 that are found in no other versions of the text and which look almost certain to have been composed in China." Greene notes that for him, Park's "examples are not all persuasive". T0020; 阿拔經; Fanzhi Aba jing 梵志阿颰經; 梵志阿跋經; 阿拔摩納經; Ambattha-sutra; 佛開解梵志阿颰經; 梵志阿颰經

Greene writes that T1471 "is clearly a Chinese composition that weaves together the regulations from T20 with those found in T1478" where T1478 is "a pre-374 translation giving the ten precepts for novice nuns (listed in Dao'an's catalog of Indian texts by unknown translators, T2145 [LV] 18c19." On the dependence of T1471 on T1478, Greene cites Ōno, Daijō kaikyō no kenkyū 391-393. "Almost everything that T1471 does not borrow from T1478 can be found, nearly or exactly verbatim, in T20."


13 n. 35

Greene writes that T1471 "is clearly a Chinese composition that weaves together the regulations from T20 with those found in T1478" where T1478 is "a pre-374 translation giving the ten precepts for novice nuns (listed in Dao'an's catalog of Indian texts by unknown translators, T2145 [LV] 18c19." On the dependence of T1471 on T1478, Greene cites Ono, Daijo kaikyo no kenkyu 391-393. "Almost everything that T1471 does not borrow from T1478 can be found, nearly or exactly verbatim, in T20." T1471; Shami jie 沙彌戒; 沙彌十戒法并威儀; Shami shi jie jing 沙彌十戒經

The ascription of T544 to Fachang 法場, Greene argues, cannot be correct, because the title is listed in Dao'an's catalogue, and further, is mentioned in Dao'an's biography as something he read while young. It should therefore date before 374, and may be considerably earlier.



The ascription of T544 to Fachang 法場, Greene argues, cannot be correct, because the title is listed in Dao'an's catalogue, and further, is mentioned in Dao'an's biography as something he read while young. It should therefore date before 374, and may be considerably earlier. Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 T0544; *Pratibhanamati-pariprccha; Zhangzhe Bianyi jing 長者辯意經; 辯意長者子經