Source: Iwamoto 1996

Iwamoto Hiroshi 岩本 弘. “Fukū sanzō gyōjō no seiritsu o megutte” 『不空三蔵行状』の成立をめぐって. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度學佛教學研究 45 no. 1 (1996): 92–94.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Iwamoto questions the authenticity of Zhao Qian's 趙遷 'Account of Conduct' 不空三藏行状, relating biographical details about Amoghavajra T. 2056, which only survives in a 14th-century manuscript from Japan. Iwamoto thinks the Xingzhuang is a 10th-century forgery.


Iwamoto questions the authenticity of Zhao Qian's 趙遷 'Account of Conduct' 不空三藏行状, relating biographical details about Amoghavajra T. 2056, which only survives in a 14th-century manuscript from Japan. Iwamoto thinks the Xingzhuang is a 10th-century forgery. T2056; Bukong sanzang xing zhuang 不空三藏行状; 大唐故大德贈司空大辨正廣智不空三藏行狀