Source: Zacchetti 2015

Zacchetti, Stefano. “Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras.” In Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume One: Literature and Languages, edited by Jonathan Silk, Oskar von Hinüber, and Vincent Eltschinger, 171-209. Leiden: Brill, 2015.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Zacchetti cites Watanabe, who argues that the ascription of T250 to Kumārajīva is to be rejected, suggesting instead that “this is probably a text composed in China on the basis of Kumārajīva’s translation of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā, with materials taken from Xuanzang’s translation of the Heart Sūtra.” Zacchetti concludes that Xuanzangs translation of 649 is therefore the earliest witness of the Heart Sūtra.

Zacchetti cites

Watanabe Shōgo 渡辺章悟. Hannya shingyō: tekusuto, shisō, bunka 般若心経 テキスト・思想・文化. Tokyo, 2009. 71-80.

McRae, John."Ch'an Commentaries on the Heart Sūtra: Preliminary Inferences on the Permutation of Chinese Buddhism." JIABS 11, no. 2 (1988): 88-89.



Zacchetti cites Watanabe, who argues that the ascription of T250 to Kumarajiva is to be rejected, suggesting instead that “this is probably a text composed in China on the basis of Kumarajiva’s translation of the Larger Prajnaparamita, with materials taken from Xuanzang’s translation of the Heart Sutra.” Zacchetti concludes that Xuanzangs translation of 649 is therefore the earliest witness of the Heart Sutra. Zacchetti cites Watanabe Shogo 渡辺章悟. Hannya shingyo: tekusuto, shiso, bunka 般若心経 テキスト・思想・文化. Tokyo, 2009. 71-80. McRae, John."Ch'an Commentaries on the Heart Sutra: Preliminary Inferences on the Permutation of Chinese Buddhism." JIABS 11, no. 2 (1988): 88-89. T0250; 摩訶般若波羅蜜大明呪經

The received ascription of 濡首菩薩無上清淨分衛經 T234 to Xiang gong 翔公 goes back to LDSBJ, and has been questioned by Hikata, xvi, and Kajiyoshi, 138-139. Zacchetti suggests further that it is unclear to what extent T234 is a separate text from T220(8), following Kajiyoshi 139. Referring to:

Kajiyoshi Kōun 梶芳光運. Daijō Bukkyō no seiritsu shiteki kenkyū–Genshi hannyakyō no kenkyū: sono ichi 大乗仏教の成立史的研究—原始般若経の研究:その一. Tokyo: The Sankibo Press, 1980.

Hikata, Ryusho 1958. Suvikrāntavikrāmi-paripṛcchā-Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Edited with an Introductory Essay. Fukuoka: Comittee of Commemoration Program for Dr. Hikata's Retirement from Professorship, Kyushu University.



The received ascription of 濡首菩薩無上清淨分衛經 T234 to Xiang gong 翔公 goes back to LDSBJ, and has been questioned by Hikata, xvi, and Kajiyoshi, 138-139. Zacchetti suggests further that it is unclear to what extent T234 is a separate text from T220(8), following Kajiyoshi 139. Referring to: Kajiyoshi Koun 梶芳光運. Daijo Bukkyo no seiritsu shiteki kenkyu–Genshi hannyakyo no kenkyu: sono ichi 大乗仏教の成立史的研究—原始般若経の研究:その一. Tokyo: The Sankibo Press, 1980. Hikata, Ryusho 1958. Suvikrantavikrami-pariprccha-Prajnaparamita-sutra Edited with an Introductory Essay. Fukuoka: Comittee of Commemoration Program for Dr. Hikata's Retirement from Professorship, Kyushu University. T0220; 大般若波羅蜜多經 T0234; 佛說濡首菩薩無上清淨分衛經; Jueliao zhufa ru huanhua sanmei jing 決了諸法如幻化三昧經