Source: Nattier 2003

Nattier, Jan. A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugrapariprccha). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Nattier discusses briefly Hirakawa's hypothesis (Shoki daijō ni okeru tōji no imi 初期大乗における塔寺の意味, 1957) that the Ugra-paripṛcchā included in the Ratnakūṭa T310(19) is a translation mentioned in the tradition, thought lost, by Dharmamitra. Nattier herself takes the position that although this hypothesis is worth considering, further work is required before it can be regarded as established. She notes that Dharmamitra was first credited with a translation of the Ugra-paripṛcchā in LDSBJ; CSZJJ only ascribes four titles to him, and the Ugra-paripṛcchā is not among them.


17 and n. 10

Nattier discusses briefly Hirakawa's hypothesis (Shoki daijo ni okeru toji no imi 初期大乗における塔寺の意味, 1957) that the Ugra-pariprccha included in the Ratnakuta T310(19) is a translation mentioned in the tradition, thought lost, by Dharmamitra. Nattier herself takes the position that although this hypothesis is worth considering, further work is required before it can be regarded as established. She notes that Dharmamitra was first credited with a translation of the Ugra-pariprccha in LDSBJ; CSZJJ only ascribes four titles to him, and the Ugra-pariprccha is not among them. Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 T310(19); Ratnakuta 大寶積經, Ugrapariprccha 郁伽長者會