Source: Shi 2008

Shi Zhaohui 釋昭慧. “Cheng weishi lun yishi jueze tan 成唯識論譯史抉擇談.” In Chuqi weishi sixiang – Yuqie xingpai xingcheng zhi mailuo 初期唯識思想——瑜伽行派形成之脈絡, by Shi Zhaohui, 105-112. Taipei: Fajie, 2008.


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According to the postface by Shen Xuanming 沈玄明 (成唯識論後序, T1585 [XXXI] 59c2), Xuanzang began work on the Cheng weishi lun in 645-6 (Zhenguan貞觀 19) and completed it in 660-661 ( 顯慶之末). However, Shi Zhaohui doubts the accuracy of these dates. The start date is too soon after Xuanzang returned to China (645), given that Kuiji reports that Xuanzang only began to compose the Cheng weishi lun after a period of repeated urging (成唯識論掌中樞要 T1831 [XLIII] 608c3). Shen’s end date is later than that recorded by the Kaiyuan shijiao lu (開元釋教錄T2154 [LV] 556c18), which says the work was completed in Xianqing 4 (659), during the tenth intercalary month 顯慶四年閏十月 (October or November) at Yuhuasi 玉華寺 (T2154 [LV] 556c18).



According to the postface by Shen Xuanming 沈玄明 (成唯識論後序, T1585 [XXXI] 59c2), Xuanzang began work on the Cheng weishi lun in 645-6 (Zhenguan貞觀 19) and completed it in 660-661 ( 顯慶之末). However, Shi Zhaohui doubts the accuracy of these dates. The start date is too soon after Xuanzang returned to China (645), given that Kuiji reports that Xuanzang only began to compose the Cheng weishi lun after a period of repeated urging (成唯識論掌中樞要 T1831 [XLIII] 608c3). Shen’s end date is later than that recorded by the Kaiyuan shijiao lu (開元釋教錄T2154 [LV] 556c18), which says the work was completed in Xianqing 4 (659), during the tenth intercalary month 顯慶四年閏十月 (October or November) at Yuhuasi 玉華寺 (T2154 [LV] 556c18). T1585; 成唯識論