Source: Kanno and Felbur 2015

Kanno, Hiroshi and Rafal Felbur. "Sūtra Commentaries in Chinese until the Tang Period." In Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume One: Literature and Languages, edited by Jonathan Silk, Oskar von Hinüber, and Vincent Eltschinger, 450-466. Leiden: Brill, 2015.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Kanno and Felbur mention that Kanno argued in 1986 that "despite the common attribution to Baoliang 寶亮 ... [T1763] was likely compiled by Falang (法郎; dates unknown) of the Jianyuan Monastery (建元寺). Falang is the same person as Huilang (慧郎), of whom we have a record in the Daniepanjing ji jie."

Referring to:
Kanno Hiroshi 菅野博史. "Daihatsunehangkyō jūge no kisoteki kenkyū 大般涅槃經集解の基礎的研究." Tōyō bunka 東洋文化 66 (1986): 93-173. Reprinted in Kanno Hiroshi, Nanbokuchō, Zuidai no Chūgoku Bukkyō shisō kenkyū 南北朝・隋代の中国仏教思想研究, 361-428. Tokyo: Daizō shuppan, 2012.



Kanno and Felbur mention that Kanno argued in 1986 that "despite the common attribution to Baoliang 寶亮 ... [T1763] was likely compiled by Falang (法郎; dates unknown) of the Jianyuan Monastery (建元寺). Falang is the same person as Huilang (慧郎), of whom we have a record in the Daniepanjing ji jie." Referring to: Kanno Hiroshi 菅野博史. "Daihatsunehangkyo juge no kisoteki kenkyu 大般涅槃經集解の基礎的研究." Toyo bunka 東洋文化 66 (1986): 93-173. Reprinted in Kanno Hiroshi, Nanbokucho, Zuidai no Chugoku Bukkyo shiso kenkyu 南北朝・隋代の中国仏教思想研究, 361-428. Tokyo: Daizo shuppan, 2012. Falang 法郎, Huilang 慧郎 T1763; 大般涅槃經集解