Source: Funayama 2006a

Funayama Tōru 船山徹. “Nansei Kyōryō bunsen ō Shō Shiryō sen Jōjūshi no yakuchū sakusei o chūshin to suru Chūgoku Rikuchō bukkyō shi no kiso kenkyū. Kagaku kenkyūhi hojokin kenkyū seika hōkokusho” 南斉・竟陵文宣王蕭子良撰『浄住子』の訳注作成を中心とする中国六朝仏教史の基礎研究. A Report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2006.


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Funayama contends that the author of the Cibei daochang chanfa 慈悲道場懺法 T1909 knew the Jingzhuzi 淨住子, and used expressions from it in his own writing, instead of using them as quotations.



Funayama contends that the author of the Cibei daochang chanfa 慈悲道場懺法 T1909 knew the Jingzhuzi 淨住子, and used expressions from it in his own writing, instead of using them as quotations. T1909; 慈悲道場懺法