Source: Fang and Ji 2022

Fang Yixin 方一新 and Ji Huaye 嵇華燁. “Cong Dunhuang xieben kan xiancun Puyao jing de fanyi ji liuchuan” 從敦煌寫本看現存《普曜經》的翻譯及流傳. Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 1 (2022):107–119.


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Fang and Ji compare ten Dunhuang manuscripts of the Lalitavistara 普曜經 T186 to the Xiuxing benqi jing 修行本起經 T184 (ascribed to Zhu Dali 竺大力 and Kang Mengxiang 康孟詳) and the Taizi ruiying benqi jing 太子瑞應本起經 T185 (ascribed to Zhi Qian). They show that T186 is closer to T185 in content, structure and wording. Based on this study, they argue that Dharmarakṣa consulted T185, and parts of T186 are revisions/copies (翻版) of T185. Their comparison shows:

a) T186 shares some passages with T185, but not with T184;

b) the order of some gāthās in T186 is the same as that in T185, but not in T184 (contents and wording of the same gāthās are identical in T186 and T185);

c) The wording of content shared between T186 and T185 is mostly the same.

On the assumption that these overlaps resulted from T186 copying T185, the authors further state that Dharmarakṣa revised some of the wording in T185, such as 五趣 replacing 五道 and [無]損 replacing [無]減. They suggest that these changes show Dharmarakṣa’s preferred word choices.


Fang and Ji compare ten Dunhuang manuscripts of the Lalitavistara 普曜經 T186 to the Xiuxing benqi jing 修行本起經 T184 (ascribed to Zhu Dali 竺大力 and Kang Mengxiang 康孟詳) and the Taizi ruiying benqi jing 太子瑞應本起經 T185 (ascribed to Zhi Qian). They show that T186 is closer to T185 in content, structure and wording. Based on this study, they argue that Dharmaraksa consulted T185, and parts of T186 are revisions/copies (翻版) of T185. Their comparison shows: a) T186 shares some passages with T185, but not with T184; b) the order of some gathas in T186 is the same as that in T185, but not in T184 (contents and wording of the same gathas are identical in T186 and T185); c) The wording of content shared between T186 and T185 is mostly the same. On the assumption that these overlaps resulted from T186 copying T185, the authors further state that Dharmaraksa revised some of the wording in T185, such as 五趣 replacing 五道 and [無]損 replacing [無]減. They suggest that these changes show Dharmaraksa’s preferred word choices. T0185; 太子瑞應本起經 T0186; 普曜大方等典; *Vaitulya-nidana; Fangdeng yuanqi 方等本起; *Lalitavistara-mahavaitulya-dharmaparyaya; 普曜經