Shi De’an 釋德安 (Zhou Muxiu 周睦修). “Wuliangshou jing yizhe kao: yi Fojing yuyanxue wei yanjiu zhuzhou”《無量壽經》譯者考——以佛經語言學為研究主軸. PhD diss., Nanhua University, 2005.
Assertion | Argument | Place in source |
Shi De'an argues that the Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra 無量壽經 T360 was translated by Dharmarakṣa. He argues on the basis of phraseology, including single words, idiomatic phrases, and formulae (e.g. 我聞如是, 對曰), and also from syntax. He proceeds principally by assessing the comparative likelihood of an ascription to Dharmarakṣa against an ascription to Buddhabhadra and Baoyun. Relying principally on Ono Genmyō's Bukkyō kyōten sōron 仏敎経典総論 and CSZJJ, he defines reference corpora of 70 texts for Dharmarakṣa, 5 texts for Buddhabhadra, and 1 text for Baoyun respectively. In the domain of syntax, Shi finds the following usages and sentence patterns distinctive of Dharmarakṣa against Baoyun (see also table, 146): 1) 乎: 寧…乎; 何…乎; …耶, 乎… In the domain of vocabulary, Shi finds the following items that he takes to be distinctive of Dharmarakṣa against Baoyun: 無為, 無極, 神明, 道德, 精神, 真人, 自然, 功祚, 國邑, 勞苦, 聖旨, 姿色, 壽終;無得, 消化; 尋, 得無, 三法忍, 底極, 焉; 諮嗟, 善本, 佛樹, 載, 度世, 絕去, 取滅度; 無量壽, 分衛; 言行相副, 唯垂聽察, 被弘誓鎧, 奮大光明, 清白之法, 極樂世界, 光光, 巍巍, 世世, 芬芬, 時時, 久久; 窈窈冥冥, 浩浩茫茫, 棄國捐王, 積累功德, 飲苦食毒. By contrast, he finds only the following items that are distinctive of Buddhabhadra (Boayun) against Dharmarakṣa: 游履, 觀世音, 那由他, 六種震動. |