Source: Yoshimura 1956

Yoshimura Shūki 芳村修基. “Kamarashīra zō Tōkan kyō shaku Hōsei yaku no suitei” カマラシーラ造『稲芉経釈』法成訳の推定. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度學佛教學研究 4, no. 1 (1956): 128–129.


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Yoshimura points out that T2782 incorporates a Chinese translation of Kamalaśīla’s commentary (ṭīkā) on the Śālistambaka-sūtra. The Tibetan translation of this text can be found in the Tenjurs (e.g., D 4001).


Yoshimura points out that T2782 incorporates a Chinese translation of Kamalasila’s commentary (tika) on the Salistambaka-sutra. The Tibetan translation of this text can be found in the Tenjurs (e.g., D 4001). T2782; 大乘稻芉經隨聽疏