[Tokuno 1990 ] Tokuno, Kyoko. "The Evaluation of Indigenous Scriptures in Chinese Buddhist Bibliographical Catalogues." In Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha, edited by Robert E. Buswell, Jr., 31-74. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1990.
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Zhisheng claims that the expanded version of the Fo ming jing 佛名經 in sixteen juan expands upon Bodhiruci’s twelve-juan translation of the same name. Tokuno notes that Zhisheng considered the version in sixteen juan to be a mix of “lewd, vulgar language with sacred words”. Tokuno adds that Zhiusheng cited but a few out of what he considered to be innumerable absurd errors, such as the reference to Faxian’s travelogue as a canonical sūtra (fabao) entitled Faxian zhuan jing 法顯傳經; and incorrect division of Sanskrit words.