Text: Jianbei jing shi zhu hu ming bing shuxu 漸備經十住胡名并書敘


Identifier [None]
Title Jianbei jing shi zhu hu ming bing shuxu 漸備經十住胡名并書敘 [CSZJJ]
Date [None]
Author Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 [CSZJJ]


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[CSZJJ]  Sengyou 僧祐. Chu sanzang ji ji (CSZJJ) 出三藏記集 T2145. — T2145 (LV) 62a3-c21

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Zacchetti 2005]  Zacchetti, Stefano. In Praise of the Light: A Critical Synoptic Edition with an Annotated Translation of Chapters 1-3 of Dharmarakṣa’s Guang zan jing 光讚經, Being the Earliest Chinese Translation of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā. The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology – Soka University. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica VIII. Tokyo 2005. — 69-73

Zacchetti discusses the authorship of this document, and related problems, in considerable detail, in part following or addressing earlier arguments by Zürcher, Hayashiya, Tan Shibao, and others, and personal communication with Antonello Palumbo. On the whole, Zacchetti agrees with the ascription of the document to Daoan, which has been proposed by several other scholars, but he also notes several problems. As possible arguments against the ascription, he notes that the document differs in style from Daoan’s usual work, coming across as “slipshod....rambling...[with] frequent repetitions, which almost give the impression that the author is mumbling or soliloquising”; and that the document refers to Daoan by name, with the surname Shi 釋道安, which is out of place with usage in the rest of Daoan’s corpus. In favour of the ascription, Zacchetti follows earlier scholars in noting that the author mentions a sojourn at Ye 鄴, had also lived in the North, and now lives in Xiangyang; the intense attention to details of bibliography and translation history; insistence on the important of monastic rule; and evidence of a relationship with Shi Huichang 釋慧常. To this, Zacchetti adds the use of the word hen 恨, which he observes is a favourite of Daoan’s. He also follows Hayashiya in considering three parallel passages in this document and Daoan’s He Fang guang Guang zan lüejie xu 合放光光讚略解序, describing the same events. Zacchetti points out that these passages contain the same, unusual use of the verb yin 因; and the use of the same verb, 展轉, to describe the roundabout process by which T222 found its way from Liangzhou to Chang’an. Zacchetti then considers the chronological relation between these two documents, by the same author (if this ascription is correct) and describing the same events, and suggests that the ...lüejie xu is later than the ...bing shuxu. He suggests that the “shuxu” is a sort of internal memo first jotted down by Daoan, with little stylistic elaboration, intended merely for internal circulation within his group, where the “lüejie xu” is a more “well-rounded ‘official’ preface” produced later on some of the same topics.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Fang 2002]  Fang Guangchang 方廣錩. "Dao'an zhuzuo zongshu 道安著作綜述." Fa yuan 法源 20 (2002): 29-40.

Fang surveyed all available sources that contain records of Dao’an’s works. These sources comprise the following categories:

1. CSZJJ 5,“新集安公註經及雜經誌錄第四”
2. CSZJJ 6 to 11,“總經序”
3. CSZJJ 12,Lu Cheng 陸澄m Fa lun 法論
4. CSZJJ 12,Sengyou, Fa yuan za yuan yuanshi ji 法苑雜緣原始集
5. Fajing’s 法經 catalogue 眾經目錄 卷六,”Works composed in China” 此方諸德著述 under ”Works composed after the parinirvāṇa of the Buddha, ” “佛滅度後著述”.
6. Yuan Kang 元康 (Tang), Commentary to the Zhao Lun 肇論疏 T1859
7. Sui shu, Jing ji zhi 隋書, 經籍誌
8. Commentary to the Wen Xuan 文選註
9. Le bang wenlei 樂邦文類
10. Dao’an’s biography in the Gaoseng zhuan
11. Binaiye xu 鼻那耶序: this work was not included in any extant catalogues nor mentioned in any sources, but the preface itself was preserved in the beginning of the Vinaya text itself T1464.
12. Works that were not included in any extant source, but their existence can be inferred from available information.

These 12 sources recorded or mentioned 102 works in total by Dao’an. Excluding duplications, there are in total 66 unique works:

1. 《光贊折中解》 1 fascicle
2. 《光贊抄解》 1 fascicle
3. 《般若放光品折疑準》 1 fascicle
4. 《般若放光品折疑略》 2 fascicles
5. 《般若放光品起盡解》 1 fascicle
6. 《道行品集異註》 1 fascicle
7. 《大十二門經註》 2 fascicles
8. 《小十二門經註》 1 fascicle
9. 《了本生死經註》 1 fascicle
10. 《密跡金剛經甄解》
11. 《持心梵天經甄解》(10, 11 combined as one fascicle)
12. 《賢劫八萬四千度無極經解》 1 fascicle
13. 《人本欲生經註撮解》 1 fascicle
14. 《安般守意經解》 1 fascicle
15. 《陰持入經註》 1 fascicle
16. 《大道地經註》 1 fascicle
17. 《十法句義》
18. 《十法句雜解》(17, 18 combined as one fascicle)
19. 《義指註》 1 fascicle
20. 《九十八結解》
21. 《九十八結約通解》(20 and 21 combined as one fascicle.
22. 《三十二相解》 1 fascicle
23. 《三界諸天錄》 1 fascicle
24. 《經錄》 1 fascicle
25. 《答法汰難》 2 fascicles
26. 《答法將難》 1 fascicle
27. 《西域誌》 1 fascicle
28. 《安般註序》
29. 《陰持入經序》
30. 《人本欲生經序》
31. 《了本生死經序》
32. 《十二門經序》
33. 《大十二門經序》
34. 《道行經序》
35. 《合放光光贊略解序》
36. 《摩訶缽羅若波羅蜜經抄序》
37. 《漸備經十住梵名並書敘》
38. 《增一阿含經序》
39. 《四阿含暮抄序》
40. 《道地經序》
41. 《十法句義經序》
42. 《僧伽羅剎經序》
43. 《婆須蜜集序》
44. 《阿毗曇序》
45. 《鞞婆沙序》
46. 《比丘尼戒本所出本末序》
47. 《比丘大戒序》
48. 《關中近出尼二種壇文夏坐雜十二事並雜事共卷,前中後三記》
49. 《實相論》
50. 《道行指歸》
51. 《般若折疑略序》
52. 《安法師法集舊製三科》
53. 《中阿含經序》1 fascicle.
54. 《性空論》
55. 《四海百川水源記》1 fascicle.
56. 《泥洹經註》
57. 《往生論》6 fascicles.
58. 《答欷超書》
59. 《鼻那耶序》
60. 《合放光光贊略解》
61. 《廣說序》
62. 《阿毗曇心序》
63. 《三法度序》
64. 《二眾從解脫緣序》
65. 《阿毗曇抄》
66. 《阿毗曇抄序》

Among these 66 works, only 25 are extant. They are:

1. Two commentaries:
《人本欲生經註》1 fascicle. T1693
《小十二門經註》 1 fascicle. 日本大阪金剛寺藏本, unpublished.

2. 22 prefaces:
《道地經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《陰持入經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《十二門經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《大十二門經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《安般註序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《道行經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 7.
《人本欲生經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《了本生死經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 6.
《合放光、光贊略解序》,CSZJJ fascicle 7.
《摩訶缽羅若波羅蜜經抄序》,CSZJJ fascicle 7.
《漸備經十住梵名並書敘》,CSZJJ fascicle 7.
《增一阿含經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 9.
《四阿含暮抄序》,CSZJJ fascicle 9.
《十法句義經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《僧伽羅剎經序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《婆須蜜集序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《阿毗曇序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《鞞婆沙序》,CSZJJ fascicle 10.
《比丘大戒序》,CSZJJ fascicle 11.
《比丘尼戒本所出本末序》,CSZJJ fascicle 11.
《關中近出尼兩種壇文夏坐雜十二事並雜事共卷,前中後三記》,CSZJJ fascicle 11.
《鼻那耶序》 preserved in T1464.

3. One letter:
《答欷超書》preserved in GSZ 《高僧傳》fascicle 5, Dao’an’s biography.

Fang further classifies all 66 works into nine categories, which reflect the scope of Dao’an’s knowledge structure and his inclinations in his scholarship:

1. Meditation related works, 10.
2. related to Hīnayana sūtras, 8.
3. Abhidharma, 7.
4. related to Mahāyāna sūtras 22. Among these 22, (A) 14 related to Prajñāpāramitā; and (B) Others 8.
5. Vinaya related 5.
6. Catalogue 1.
7. Lexicons 8.
8. Geography 2.
9. Letters 3.

Entry author: Lin Qian



[Lamotte 2003]  Lamotte, Étienne, tr. Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentration of Heroic Progress – An Early Mahāyāna Buddhist Scripture. translated by Sara Boin-Webb. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2003. — 92-93

Lamotte translates a portion of the Jianbei jing shi zhu hu ming bing shuxu 漸備經十住胡名并書敘 concerning transmission of five texts from Liangzhou to Dao'an in Xiangyang in 373.

Entry author: Michael Radich
