Source: Yoshikawa & Funayama 2009

Yoshikawa Tadao 吉川忠夫 and Funayama Tōru 船山徹, trans. Kō sō den (ichi) 高僧伝(一). Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 2009.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

CSZJJ says in two places that Baoyun produced a version of this text. Yoshikawa and Funayama simply say that although the extant T360 is ascribed in T to Kang Sengkai 康僧鎧, the theory that regards it as actually representing the Buddhabhadra and Baoyun translation is more persuasive.


273 n. 4

CSZJJ says in two places that Baoyun produced a version of this text. Yoshikawa and Funayama simply say that although the extant T360 is ascribed in T to Kang Sengkai 康僧鎧, the theory that regards it as actually representing the Buddhabhadra and Baoyun translation is more persuasive. Baoyun, 寶雲 Buddhabhadra, 佛陀跋陀羅, 覺賢 T0360; 佛說無量壽經; Sukhavativyuha-sutra