Source: Okano 1990

Okano Kiyoshi 岡野潔. “Fuyō kyō no kenkū (ge) 普曜経の研究(下).” Bunka文化 53, no. 3/4 (1990): 249-268.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

In this concluding part of a tripartite comparative study of all extant versions of the Lalitavistara, in order to determine the formation process and resulting stratification of the texts, Okano notes that four chapters are found only in the two Chinese translations. In Dharmarakṣa T186:十八變品 Ch. 25, 佛至摩竭國品 Ch. 26, 化舍利弗目連品 Ch. 27, 優陀耶品 Ch. 28第二十五, i.e. T186 (III) 530c21-536c24; in *Divākara’s 地婆訶羅 version, 方廣大莊嚴經 T187, all included in the *Dharmacakrapravartana chapter 轉法輪品, which is thereby bloated to elephantine proportions: T187 (III) 605b9-616a17.


In this concluding part of a tripartite comparative study of all extant versions of the Lalitavistara, in order to determine the formation process and resulting stratification of the texts, Okano notes that four chapters are found only in the two Chinese translations. In Dharmaraksa T186:十八變品 Ch. 25, 佛至摩竭國品 Ch. 26, 化舍利弗目連品 Ch. 27, 優陀耶品 Ch. 28第二十五, i.e. T186 (III) 530c21-536c24; in *Divakara’s 地婆訶羅 version, 方廣大莊嚴經 T187, all included in the *Dharmacakrapravartana chapter 轉法輪品, which is thereby bloated to elephantine proportions: T187 (III) 605b9-616a17. T0186; 普曜大方等典; *Vaitulya-nidana; Fangdeng yuanqi 方等本起; *Lalitavistara-mahavaitulya-dharmaparyaya; 普曜經 T0187; 方廣大莊嚴經