Source: Okabe 1963

Okabe Kazuo 岡部和雄 . “Jiku Hōgo no yakkyō ni tsuite 竺法護の訳経について.” IBK 11, no. 1 (1963): 148-149.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Okabe’s main aim is to assess the reliability of Fei Changfang’s LDSBJ, using ascriptions to Dharmarakṣa as a test case. Okabe studies 40 ascriptions to Dharmarakṣa that appear for the first time in LDSBJ [T2034 (XLIX) 61c11-64c13], and concludes that they are highly unreliable. The same texts are generally already listed in Sengyou’s CSZJJ, but there, they appear as anonymous. In addition, the majority of these texts are identified by Sengyou as sūtras excerpted from larger collections, such as the Āgamas, the 六度集經 T152, the Mahāsaṃnipāta T397, the “Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish” 賢愚經 T202, or Dharmarakṣa’s Jātaka 生經 T154.

Okabe gives the example of the Guangshiyin jing 光世音經, which is no longer extant, but which the records of other catalogues indicate was probably the Avalokiteśvara Chapter of Dharmarakṣa’s Saddharmapuṇḍarīka T263, circulated as an independent text. [This likelihood would be corroborated by the fact that 光世音 for Avalokiteśvara is probably confined to Dharmarakṣa’s works; I am grateful to Jan Nattier for pointing out this fact --- MR.] He also shows that another text in the list, the 蜜具經, which is lost but quoted in the Jing lü yi xiang 經律異相 T2121, is an excerpt from T154, with verbatim correspondences too close for it to be considered a separate translation of the same text. A third text, the 悉鞞梨天子詣佛說偈經, is also no longer extant, but Okabe shows by comparison, again with citation in the Jing lü yi xiang, that it was an excerpt from the Saṃyuktāgama. Another six texts (離睡經 T47, 受歲經 T50, 樂想經 T56, 尊上經 T77, 意經 T82 and 應法經 T83), Okabe argues, were excerpted from the Madhayamāgama, in part following Mizuno Kōgen’s arguments about vestiges of an alternate translation of the whole MĀ collection now split up and variously attributed among our extant texts. A final example, the 身觀經 T612, Okabe says is also “absolutely identical” with a Saṃyuktāgama text [see T101(9) = T101 (II) 495b7-c23], apart from scribal errors, etc., and Okabe says that LDSBJ’s ascription to Dharmarakṣa is therefore “utter nonsense”. On the strength of these examples, Okabe argues that all forty of the texts added to Dharmarakṣa’s name by LDSBJ should be disregarded. This record lists those forty texts (names are given as in LDSBJ, and may differ slightly from Taishō titles).

身觀經 T612
離睡經 T47
受歲經 T50
樂想經 T56
尊上經 T77
意經 T82
應法經 T83
寶女問慧經 (寶女所問經 T399)
四未曾有經 T136
分別經 T738
盂蘭經 T685
八陽經 T428
灌臘經 T391
邪見經 (cf. T93)
法觀經 T611
仁王般若波羅蜜經 (cf. T245)


Okabe’s main aim is to assess the reliability of Fei Changfang’s LDSBJ, using ascriptions to Dharmaraksa as a test case. Okabe studies 40 ascriptions to Dharmaraksa that appear for the first time in LDSBJ [T2034 (XLIX) 61c11-64c13], and concludes that they are highly unreliable. The same texts are generally already listed in Sengyou’s CSZJJ, but there, they appear as anonymous. In addition, the majority of these texts are identified by Sengyou as sutras excerpted from larger collections, such as the Agamas, the 六度集經 T152, the Mahasamnipata T397, the “Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish” 賢愚經 T202, or Dharmaraksa’s Jataka 生經 T154. Okabe gives the example of the Guangshiyin jing 光世音經, which is no longer extant, but which the records of other catalogues indicate was probably the Avalokitesvara Chapter of Dharmaraksa’s Saddharmapundarika T263, circulated as an independent text. [This likelihood would be corroborated by the fact that 光世音 for Avalokitesvara is probably confined to Dharmaraksa’s works; I am grateful to Jan Nattier for pointing out this fact --- MR.] He also shows that another text in the list, the 蜜具經, which is lost but quoted in the Jing lu yi xiang 經律異相 T2121, is an excerpt from T154, with verbatim correspondences too close for it to be considered a separate translation of the same text. A third text, the 悉鞞梨天子詣佛說偈經, is also no longer extant, but Okabe shows by comparison, again with citation in the Jing lu yi xiang, that it was an excerpt from the Samyuktagama. Another six texts (離睡經 T47, 受歲經 T50, 樂想經 T56, 尊上經 T77, 意經 T82 and 應法經 T83), Okabe argues, were excerpted from the Madhayamagama, in part following Mizuno Kogen’s arguments about vestiges of an alternate translation of the whole MA collection now split up and variously attributed among our extant texts. A final example, the 身觀經 T612, Okabe says is also “absolutely identical” with a Samyuktagama text [see T101(9) = T101 (II) 495b7-c23], apart from scribal errors, etc., and Okabe says that LDSBJ’s ascription to Dharmaraksa is therefore “utter nonsense”. On the strength of these examples, Okabe argues that all forty of the texts added to Dharmaraksa’s name by LDSBJ should be disregarded. This record lists those forty texts (names are given as in LDSBJ, and may differ slightly from Taisho titles). 光世音經 蜜具經 身觀經 T612 悉鞞梨天子詣佛說偈經 離睡經 T47 受歲經 T50 樂想經 T56 尊上經 T77 意經 T82 應法經 T83 七女本經 寶女問慧經 (寶女所問經 T399) 女人慾熾荒迷經 夫那羅經 貧女為國王夫人經 寶日光菩薩問蓮華國相貌/寶日光明菩薩經 𥧝意經 彌勒菩薩為女身經 多聞經 四自在神通經 四未曾有經 T136 分別經 T738 閑居經 七寶經 盂蘭經 T685 腹使經 八陽經 T428 法社經 犯罪經 灌臘經 T391 貧窮經 四種人經 何苦經 邪見經 (cf. T93) 雜讚經 法觀經 T611 醫王經 目連?降龍經 梵王變身經 仁王般若波羅蜜經 (cf. T245) Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 Baoriguangming pusa jing 寶日光明菩薩經; Baoriguang pusa wen lianhuaguo xiangmao jing 寶日光菩薩問蓮華國相貌 Duowen jing 多聞經 Fa she jing 法社經 Fan wang bian shen jing 梵王變身經 Fanzui jing 犯罪經 Fu shi jing 腹使經 Funaluo jing 夫那羅經 Guangshiyin jing 光世音經 He ku jing 何苦經 Miju jing 蜜具經 Mile pusa wei nu shen jing 彌勒菩薩為女身經 Mulian jiang long wang jing 目連降龍王經 Nuren yu shi huang mi jing 女人慾熾荒迷經 Pin nu wei guowang furen jing 貧女為國王夫人經 Pinqiong jing 貧窮經 Qi bao jing 七寶經 Qi nu ben jing 七女本經 Ren wang banre boluomi jing 仁王般若波羅蜜經 Si zhong ren jing 四種人經 Si zizai shentong jing 四自在神通經 T0047; 離睡經 T0050; 受歲經 T0056; 樂想經 T0077; 尊上經 T0082; 意經 T0083; 應法經 T0093; 邪見經 T0136; 佛說四未曾有法經; Mizuno's "alternate *Ekottarikagama" T0391; 般泥洹後灌臘經; Bannihuan hou si bei guanla jing 般泥洹後四輩灌臘經 T0399; 寶女所問經; 寶女三昧經 T0428; 佛說八陽神呪經 T0611; 法觀經 T0612; 身觀經 T0685; 佛說盂蘭盆經 T0738; 佛說分別經 Wu? yi jing 𥧝意經 Xianju jing 閑居經 Xibili tianzi yi Fo shuo jie jing 悉鞞梨天子詣佛說偈經 Yi wang jing 醫王經 Za zan jing 雜讚經