Source: Hu gong lu CSZJJ

Hu gong lu 護公錄, as cited in CSZJJ 出三藏記集 T2145.


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Sengyou cites the Hu gong lu 護公錄 ("catalogue of texts [by] Sir Hu = *Dharmarakṣa) as his source for information about the 梵網經, a text he includes in his catalogue of anonymous sūtras:



T2145 (LV) 28b5

Sengyou cites the Hu gong lu 護公錄 ("catalogue of texts [by] Sir Hu = *Dharmaraksa) as his source for information about the 梵網經, a text he includes in his catalogue of anonymous sutras: 梵網經一卷(與護公錄所出梵網六十二見大同小異) Fan wang jing 梵網經

In a "note/record" on the *Gagaṇagañja-paripr̥cchā and three versions of the Akṣayamati-nirdeśa as included in the *Mahāsaṃnipāta 大集虛空藏無盡意三經記, Sengyou cites the Hu gong lu 護公錄 ("catalogue [of texts? by] Sir Hu" = Dharmarakṣa), saying that he is unsure whether the Akṣakamati 無盡意經 in four fascicles reported in (an?) unnamed "catalogue(s?)" is the same as a text with the same details that the Hu gong lu reports: 但護公錄復出無盡意經四卷。未詳與此本同異.


T2145 (LV) 63b11-12

In a "note/record" on the *Gaganaganja-pariprccha and three versions of the Aksayamati-nirdesa as included in the *Mahasamnipata 大集虛空藏無盡意三經記, Sengyou cites the Hu gong lu 護公錄 ("catalogue [of texts? by] Sir Hu" = Dharmaraksa), saying that he is unsure whether the Aksakamati 無盡意經 in four fascicles reported in (an?) unnamed "catalogue(s?)" is the same as a text with the same details that the Hu gong lu reports: 但護公錄復出無盡意經四卷。未詳與此本同異. T0403; 阿差末菩薩經 T397(12); 無盡意品; Aksayamati-nirdesa