Text: Batuo pusa bai’ershi nan jing 颰陀菩薩百二十難經


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Title Batuo pusa bai’ershi nan jing 颰陀菩薩百二十難經 [Harrison 1990]
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[Harrison 1990]  Harrison, Paul. The Samādhi of Direct Encounter with the Buddhas of the Present: An Annotated English Translation of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1990. — 269

Harrison records three texts listed in the catalogues “which may or may not be related to the [Pratyutpannabuddhasammukhāvasthitasamādhi-sūtra],” none of which have survived. Among these is the Fatuo pusa bai’ershi nan jing 颰陀菩薩百二十難經 (in one juan) [sic for Fatuo---dictionaries give bá or fú for 颰, 颰陀 Skt *Bhadra---MR]. The text first appears in CSZJJ, listed as a lost, anonymous text. Harrison suggests that this could be an “alternative title” of one of the earliest translations of the Pratyutpannabuddhasammukhāvasthitasamādhi-sūtra. Harrison adds that any three of these texts may be the source for the passages in T417 which are not based on the BZSMJ in three juan.

Entry author: Michael Radich


  • Title: Batuo pusa bai’ershi nan jing 颰陀菩薩百二十難經