Text: P.3006; Pelliot 3006


Identifier P.3006 [Shi Guopu (1998)]
Title Pelliot 3006 [Shi Guopu (1998)]
Date 376-379 [Shi Guopu (1998)]
Author Dao'an 道安 [Shi Guopu (1998)]


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[Shi Guopu (1998)]  Shi Guopu 釋果僕. Dunhuang xiejuan P3006 ‘Zhi Qian’ ben Weimojie jing zhujie kao 敦煌寫卷P3006「支謙」本《維摩詰經》注解考. Zhonghua Fojiao yanjiusuo luncong 中華佛教研究所論ྀ 16. Taipei: Fagu wenhua, 1998. — 163-216

Shi Guopu argues that the author of a commentary on the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa T474, one sheet of which is preserved in P.3006, was Daoan. Her reasons are as follows:

1) The commentary features technical terms (relating to the methods of commentary) also characteristic of Daoan (her primary point of comparison is T1693).

2) The commentary is concerned with comparing multiple versions of the same text (or passage), a known concern and method of Daoan.

3) The commentary parses the root text into sections by topic, using terms for the purpose also used elsewhere by Daoan.

4) The commentary cites a prior commentator, a "Mr. Zhu" 竺氏, and this also fits with Daoan's known values and methods.

5) The commentary uses several doctrinal terms characteristic of Daoan.

6) The commentary uses language derived from Lao-Zhuang discourse, again consistent with Daoan.

7) In one case, a whole phrase can be matched elsewhere in Daoan.

8) No other known commentator active in the relevant period displays the same constellation of these features.

Guopu also argues that the commentary can be dated between 376 and 379 (204-216).

Entry author: Michael Radich
