Text: 淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀卷中 T2827


Identifier [None]
Title 淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀卷中 T2827 [Saitō 2013 ]
Date [None]
Author Fazhao 法照 [Saitō 2013 ]
Compiler 編集 Fazhao 法照 [Saitō 2013 ]


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[Saitō 2013 ]  Saitō Takanobu 齊藤隆信. Kango butten ni okeru ge no kenkyū 漢語仏典における偈の研究. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2013. — 547-548

According to Saitō, the Liu gen zan 六根讃 in the 淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀 T2827, edited 撰 by Fazhao 法照 (the full version 広本) [the title is written 淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀卷中・下 --- AI] has a note stating that it was written by Fazhao 法照. Nonetheless, the latter part of the work is totally different from that part of the Li liu gen zan 離六根讃 in the (淨土) 五會念佛略法事儀讃 T1983 (the shortened version 略本), which is known as Fazhao’s work (547).

Saitō argues that the Liu gen zan in T2827 was indeed created by Fazhao, despite the differences in its latter part from the Li liu gen zan in T1983, because the 念佛巌大悟禪師碑記 edited 撰 by Min Wenshu 閔文叔, records that Fazhao quoted his own lines in the Liu gen zan in a conversation with Emperor Dezong 徳宗 (547-548).

Entry author: Atsushi Iseki
