- [T] T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014.
- [Boucher 1996] Boucher, Daniel. "Buddhist Translation Procedures in Third-Century China: A Study of Dharmarakṣa and his Translation Idiom." PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1996.
- [Boucher 1996] Boucher, Daniel. "Buddhist Translation Procedures in Third-Century China: A Study of Dharmarakṣa and his Translation Idiom." PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1996.
- People:
Zhu Shulan 竺尗蘭, 竺叔蘭, Zhu Fashu 竺法寂, 竺法叔 ([orally] "translate/interpret" 傳語, 口宣[...言], 傳譯, 度語);
*Mokṣala, 無羅叉, 無叉羅 ("handle the Indic text", [手]執梵[文], [手]執胡[本])
- [CSZJJ] Sengyou 僧祐. Chu sanzang ji ji (CSZJJ) 出三藏記集 T2145.
T2145 (LV) 47c17-18, 48a6-7.
- [Sakaino 1935] Sakaino Kōyō 境野黄洋. Shina Bukkyō seishi 支那佛教精史. Tokyo: Sakaino Kōyō Hakushi Ikō Kankōkai, 1935.
- [Ōno 1954] Ōno Hōdō 大野法道. Daijō kai kyō no kenkyū 大乗戒経の研究. Tokyo: Risōsha 理想社, 1954.
- [Kamata 1982] Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄. Chūgoku bukkyō shi, dai ikkan: Shodenki no bukkyō 中国仏教史 第一巻 初伝期末の仏教. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1982.
- People:
*Mokṣala, 無羅叉, 無叉羅 ("handle the Indic text", [手]執梵[文], [手]執胡[本]);
Zhu Shulan 竺尗蘭, 竺叔蘭, Zhu Fashu 竺法寂, 竺法叔 ([orally] "translate/interpret" 傳語, 口宣[...言], 傳譯, 度語)
- [Kamata 1982] Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄. Chūgoku bukkyō shi, dai ikkan: Shodenki no bukkyō 中国仏教史 第一巻 初伝期末の仏教. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1982.
- [Lamotte 2003] Lamotte, Étienne, tr. Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentration of Heroic Progress – An Early Mahāyāna Buddhist Scripture. translated by Sara Boin-Webb. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2003.
- [Lamotte 2003] Lamotte, Étienne, tr. Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentration of Heroic Progress – An Early Mahāyāna Buddhist Scripture. translated by Sara Boin-Webb. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2003.