Source: GSZ

Huijiao 慧晈. Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Buddhajīva arrived in Yangzhou 揚州 in the seventh month of Jingping 1 宋景平元年七月 (423). The manuscript had been obtained in Sri Lanka 師子國 by Faxian 法顯. Faxian had died leaving it untranslated. In the eleventh month 十一月 of the same year the text was translated at Longguang-xi 龍光寺. Buddhajīva held the Indic text 什執梵文; the Khotanese monk Zhisheng interpreted 于闐沙門智勝為譯; and the text was taken down 執筆 and polished 參正 by Daosheng 道生 and Huiyan 慧嚴.



Buddhajiva arrived in Yangzhou 揚州 in the seventh month of Jingping 1 宋景平元年七月 (423). The manuscript had been obtained in Sri Lanka 師子國 by Faxian 法顯. Faxian had died leaving it untranslated. In the eleventh month 十一月 of the same year the text was translated at Longguang-xi 龍光寺. Buddhajiva held the Indic text 什執梵文; the Khotanese monk Zhisheng interpreted 于闐沙門智勝為譯; and the text was taken down 執筆 and polished 參正 by Daosheng 道生 and Huiyan 慧嚴. *Buddhajiva, 佛陀什 Daosheng, 竺道生 Huiyan, 慧嚴 Zhisheng 智勝 T1421; 彌沙塞部和醯五分律


T2059 (L) 323a12-14

Tanwulan 竺曇無蘭 (*Dharmaratna?) Shi di duan jie jing 十地斷結經


T2059 (L) 323a12-14

Tanwulan 竺曇無蘭 (*Dharmaratna?) Fo ben sheng [jing] 佛本生[經]


T2059 (L) 323a12-14

Tanwulan 竺曇無蘭 (*Dharmaratna?) Fa hai zang [jing] 法海藏[經]


T2059 (L) 323a12-14

Tanwulan 竺曇無蘭 (*Dharmaratna?) Fo ben xing [jing] 佛本行[經]


"This study examines the biography of the monk Baoyun 寶雲 (376?-449) and lists all the titles of the translation projects in which Baoyun was involved. By comparing the information provided by different Buddhist catalogues, several discrepancies between the information on Baoyun provided by Buddhist bibliographer Sengyou 僧祐 (445-518) and by later accounts became evident. This study contextualizes the life of Baoyun in a broader historical perspective and presents the life of a monk who was a companion of Faxian 法顯 (336?-422) in his famous journey to the west, fluent in Indic languages, and a proficient translator."

Lettere argues that we can see a gradual process by which the true scope of Baoyun's activities as a translator, originally represented rather clearly by Sengyou and the sources he collects (CSZJJ), was already diminished or undermined by Huijiao (GSZ), Fei Zhangfang (LCSBJ), and Fajing; and also seems to have suffered from being overshadowed by the reputation and legends that accrued to the personality of Faxian. In the course of her treatment of biographical and other external sources on Baoyun (CSZJJ, GSZ, and documents like prefaces), Lettere notes evidence that Baoyun might have been the principal translator for the following works:

T192 (Lettere holds unequivocally that this work is "erroneously attributed to Dharmakṣema/Tan Wuchen 曇無讖", following Willemen 2009 [in error this reference is given as Chen Jinhua]: xiv-xvi);

a "new Sukhāvatī" 新無量壽 [sic, for *Amitāyus] [Lettere's citation of studies by Nogami 1950, Gotō 2006, 2007, and Nattier 2003 implies that she identifies this title with T360 -- MR];

with Zhiyan, according to Sengyou's CSZJJ, three titles: the Puyao jing 普耀經, the Guangbo yanjing jing 廣博嚴淨經, and the Si tianwang jing 四天王經 [cf. for the last two titles respectively Avaivartikacakra 廣博嚴淨經 T268, and Si tianwang jing 四天王經 T590 -- MR];

the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda 勝鬘經 [T353];

the Za’ahan jing 雜阿含經 (*Saṃyuktāgama) and the Fagu jing 法鼓經 [Lettere again does not go into the problem of identification with extant texts, but cf. Saṃyuktāgama T99 and the *Mahābherīhāraka-sūtra T270 -- MR];

a Mahāparinirvāṇa in six fascicles 六卷泥洹 [cf. T7 -- MR].

[To this list we should add the Laṅkāvatāra T670; Lettere omits to list it, but cf. 後於丹陽郡譯出勝鬘楞伽經, GSZ T2059 (L) 344b3, which in fact comprises two titles, the Śrīmālādevī and the Laṅkāvatāra; cf. Lettere 265 n. 9 -- MR.]

Lettere also notes evidence that Baoyun may have composed a lost travelogue of his journeys, entitled Youlü waiguo 遊履外國.

In LDSBJ, two titles are added to Baoyun's credit; Fufa zang jing 付法藏經 [cf. T2058] and Jingdu sanwei jing 淨度三昧經 [cf. X15]; and an *Akṣayamatinirdeśa 無盡意菩薩 to the joint translatorship of Baoyun and Zhiyan [cf. T397(12)]. Lettere notes that the poor reputation of Fei as a cataloguer makes these ascriptions less plausible.


Abstract: "This study examines the biography of the monk Baoyun 寶雲 (376?-449) and lists all the titles of the translation projects in which Baoyun was involved. By comparing the information provided by different Buddhist catalogues, several discrepancies between the information on Baoyun provided by Buddhist bibliographer Sengyou 僧祐 (445-518) and by later accounts became evident. This study contextualizes the life of Baoyun in a broader historical perspective and presents the life of a monk who was a companion of Faxian 法顯 (336?-422) in his famous journey to the west, fluent in Indic languages, and a proficient translator." Lettere argues that we can see a gradual process by which the true scope of Baoyun's activities as a translator, originally represented rather clearly by Sengyou and the sources he collects (CSZJJ), was already diminished or undermined by Huijiao (GSZ), Fei Zhangfang (LCSBJ), and Fajing; and also seems to have suffered from being overshadowed by the reputation and legends that accrued to the personality of Faxian. In the course of her treatment of biographical and other external sources on Baoyun (CSZJJ, GSZ, and documents like prefaces), Lettere notes evidence that Baoyun might have been the principal translator for the following works: T192 (Lettere holds unequivocally that this work is "erroneously attributed to Dharmaksema/Tan Wuchen 曇無讖", following Willemen 2009 [in error this reference is given as Chen Jinhua]: xiv-xvi); a "new Sukhavati" 新無量壽 [sic, for *Amitayus] [Lettere's citation of studies by Nogami 1950, Goto 2006, 2007, and Nattier 2003 implies that she identifies this title with T360 -- MR]; with Zhiyan, according to Sengyou's CSZJJ, three titles: the Puyao jing 普耀經, the Guangbo yanjing jing 廣博嚴淨經, and the Si tianwang jing 四天王經 [cf. for the last two titles respectively Avaivartikacakra 廣博嚴淨經 T268, and Si tianwang jing 四天王經 T590 -- MR]; the Srimaladevisimhanada 勝鬘經 [T353]; the Za’ahan jing 雜阿含經 (*Samyuktagama) and the Fagu jing 法鼓經 [Lettere again does not go into the problem of identification with extant texts, but cf. Samyuktagama T99 and the *Mahabheriharaka-sutra T270 -- MR]; a Mahaparinirvana in six fascicles 六卷泥洹 [cf. T7 -- MR]. [To this list we should add the Lankavatara T670; Lettere omits to list it, but cf. 後於丹陽郡譯出勝鬘楞伽經, GSZ T2059 (L) 344b3, which in fact comprises two titles, the Srimaladevi and the Lankavatara; cf. Lettere 265 n. 9 -- MR.] Lettere also notes evidence that Baoyun may have composed a lost travelogue of his journeys, entitled Youlu waiguo 遊履外國. In LDSBJ, two titles are added to Baoyun's credit; Fufa zang jing 付法藏經 [cf. T2058] and Jingdu sanwei jing 淨度三昧經 [cf. X15]; and an *Aksayamatinirdesa 無盡意菩薩 to the joint translatorship of Baoyun and Zhiyan [cf. T397(12)]. Lettere notes that the poor reputation of Fei as a cataloguer makes these ascriptions less plausible. Baoyun, 寶雲 T0007; 大般涅槃經 T0192; 佛所行讚 T0268; 佛說廣博嚴淨不退轉輪經 T0270; 大法鼓經 T0353; 勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經 T0360; 佛說無量壽經; Sukhavativyuha-sutra T0590; 佛說四天王經 T0670; 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 T2058; 付法藏因緣傳 T397(12); 無盡意品; Aksayamati-nirdesa X0015; Jing du sanmei jing 淨度三昧經; Jing du jing 淨度經; 淨度三昧經


T2059 (L) 340a13-14

Baoyun, 寶雲 Youlu waiguo 遊履外國


T2059 (L) 352c8-9 ff.

Dao'an 道安 Letter in reply to Xi Chao; Da Xi Chao shu 答欷超書

Bo Yuan/Bo Fazu's commentary on Dharmarakṣa's version of the Śūraṃgamasamādhi is mentioned in his biography in CSZJJ and GSZ, and discussed by Lamotte (trans. Boin-Webb) (2003): 80-81.


T2145 (LV) 107c11
T2059 (L) 327b28
Lamotte/Boin-Webb 80-81.

Bo Yuan/Bo Fazu's commentary on Dharmaraksa's version of the Suramgamasamadhi is mentioned in his biography in CSZJJ and GSZ, and discussed by Lamotte (trans. Boin-Webb) (2003): 80-81. Bo Fazu 白法祖, Bo Yuan 帛遠 Commentary on [Dharmaraksa's] *Suramgamasamadhi-sutra; Shoulengyan jing zhujie 首楞嚴經注解

A passing comment in the biography of Kang Sengyuan 康僧淵 states that a catalogue by Zhi Mindu, referred to as Yi jing lu 譯經錄, was extant at the time GSZ was compiled.



T2059 (L) 347a6-7

A passing comment in the biography of Kang Sengyuan 康僧淵 states that a catalogue by Zhi Mindu, referred to as Yi jing lu 譯經錄, was extant at the time GSZ was compiled. 敏度亦聰哲有譽。著[+傳SYM]譯經錄今行於世. Zhi Mindu’s catalogue 支敏度錄; Yi jing lu 譯經