Source: Mizuno 1969

Mizuno Kōgen 水野弘元. “Chū agon kyō kaidai 中阿含経解題.” Kokuyaku issaikyō 国訳一切経, Agon bu 阿含部 6. Revised Edition, 1969: 403-411. Cited in Hung et al. 2008.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Mizuno suggested that a group of 24 discourses originally belonged to an alternate translation of the Madhyamāgama (MĀ): T47, T49, T50, T51, T53, T55, T56, T58, T60, T64, T65, T66, T70, T73, T75, T77, T79, T82, T83, T90, T91, T92, T93, T94. Mizuno further suggested that this group was translated by Zhu Fonian and Dharmanandi(n). Cf. also Hung et al. 2010.


Mizuno suggested that a group of 24 discourses originally belonged to an alternate translation of the Madhyamagama (MA): T47, T49, T50, T51, T53, T55, T56, T58, T60, T64, T65, T66, T70, T73, T75, T77, T79, T82, T83, T90, T91, T92, T93, T94. Mizuno further suggested that this group was translated by Zhu Fonian and Dharmanandi(n). Cf. also Hung et al. 2010. *Dharmanandi(n) 曇摩難提, Dharmananda? Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 T0047; 離睡經 T0049; 求欲經 T0050; 受歲經 T0051; 梵志計水淨經 T0053; 苦陰經 T0055; 苦陰因事經 T0056; 樂想經 T0058; 阿耨風經 T0060; 瞿曇彌記果經 T0064; 瞻波比丘經; 瞻婆比丘經 T0065; 伏婬經 T0066; 魔試目連經; 弊魔試摩目連經; 魔嬈亂經; 魔王試目連經; 魔王入目連腹中經; 魔王入目犍蘭腹經 T0070; 數經 T0073; 須達經; Zhangzhe Xuda jing 長者須達經 T0075; 佛為黃竹園老婆羅門說學經 T0077; 尊上經 T0079; 鸚鵡經; Doutiao jing 兜調經 T0082; 意經 T0083; 應法經 T0090; 鞞摩肅經 T0091; 婆羅門子命終愛念不離經 T0092; 十支居士八城人經 T0093; 邪見經 T0094; 箭喻經

Mizuno suggested that a group of 24 discourses originally belonged to an alternate translation of the Madhyamāgama (MĀ): T47, T49, T50, T51, T53, T55, T56, T58, T60, T64, T65, T66, T70, T73, T75, T77, T79, T82, T83, T90, T91, T92, T93, T94. Mizuno further suggested that this group was translated by Zhu Fonian and Dharmanandi(n). Cf. also Hung et al. 2010.


Mizuno suggested that a group of 24 discourses originally belonged to an alternate translation of the Madhyamagama (MA): T47, T49, T50, T51, T53, T55, T56, T58, T60, T64, T65, T66, T70, T73, T75, T77, T79, T82, T83, T90, T91, T92, T93, T94. Mizuno further suggested that this group was translated by Zhu Fonian and Dharmanandi(n). Cf. also Hung et al. 2010. *Dharmanandi(n) 曇摩難提, Dharmananda? Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 Mizuno’s alternate Madhyamagama; Mizuno’s alternate Madhyamagama