Source: Okimoto 1972

Okimoto Katsumi 沖本克己. “Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa.” IBK 21, no.1 (1972): 130-131.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Okimoto compares T1582 to two extant sets of Sanskrit materials he regards as corresponding to the Bodhisatva Prātimokṣa, and finds partial matches for some portions of the text.



Okimoto compares T1582 to two extant sets of Sanskrit materials he regards as corresponding to the Bodhisatva Pratimoksa, and finds partial matches for some portions of the text. T1582; 菩薩善戒經

Okimoto compares the Bodhicittabhāvanāvivaraṇa 菩提心觀釋 T1663 with corresponding portions of the Sanskrit Bodhisatva Prātimokṣa and Nāgārjuna’s Bodhicitta-vivaraṇa, and determines that T1663 includes some traces of retranslation and expansion.



Okimoto compares the Bodhicittabhavanavivarana 菩提心觀釋 T1663 with corresponding portions of the Sanskrit Bodhisatva Pratimoksa and Nagarjuna’s Bodhicitta-vivarana, and determines that T1663 includes some traces of retranslation and expansion. T1663; 菩提心觀釋

The *Caturdharmaka-sūtra 大乘四法經 T772 has similarities to Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa, perhaps as cited in the Śikṣāsamuccaya [Okimoto discusses relations between various Chinese texts and both of these Sanskrit sources, making it difficult to determine exactly which version of the text he refers to here], but without exact matching.



The *Caturdharmaka-sutra 大乘四法經 T772 has similarities to Bodhisattva Pratimoksa, perhaps as cited in the Siksasamuccaya [Okimoto discusses relations between various Chinese texts and both of these Sanskrit sources, making it difficult to determine exactly which version of the text he refers to here], but without exact matching. T0772; 大乘四法經