Source: Sasaki 2005

Sasaki Daiju 佐々木大樹. “Butchō sonshō darani no kenkyū―Kan’yaku shohon noseiritsu o megutte” 仏頂尊勝陀羅尼の研究―漢訳諸本の成立をめぐって. Kankoku Bukkyōgaku Seminar 韓国仏教学SEMINAR 10 (2005): 134–152.


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Sasaki believes that both the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 T968 and the Foding zuisheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂最勝陀羅尼經T969 (both versions of the Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī) are translations, but from different Vorlagen.



Sasaki believes that both the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 T968 and the Foding zuisheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂最勝陀羅尼經T969 (both versions of the Usnisavijaya-dharani) are translations, but from different Vorlagen. T0969; 佛頂最勝陀羅尼經

The Zuisheng Foding tuoluoni jingchu yezhang zhoujing 最勝佛頂陀羅尼淨除業障咒經 T970 (Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī) is ascribed to *Divākara 婆訶羅. However, Sasaki proposes that T970 was composed by individuals postdating *Divākara 地婆訶羅, who credited the work to him. He observes additions in T970 not found in other Chinese versions (T967, T968, T969, T971). However, he does not provide further evidence for these claims. The additions he notes include: (a) the past life of Supratiṣṭhita, (b) the incorporation of Vijñapti-mātra concepts, and (c) an explanation of how the six pāramitās may be fulfilled during the construction of a maṇḍala, or altar platform.



The Zuisheng Foding tuoluoni jingchu yezhang zhoujing 最勝佛頂陀羅尼淨除業障咒經 T970 (Usnisavijaya-dharani) is ascribed to *Divakara 婆訶羅. However, Sasaki proposes that T970 was composed by individuals postdating *Divakara 地婆訶羅, who credited the work to him. He observes additions in T970 not found in other Chinese versions (T967, T968, T969, T971). However, he does not provide further evidence for these claims. The additions he notes include: (a) the past life of Supratisthita, (b) the incorporation of Vijnapti-matra concepts, and (c) an explanation of how the six paramitas may be fulfilled during the construction of a mandala, or altar platform. Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 T0970; 最勝佛頂陀羅尼淨除業障呪經

Sasaki briefly suggests that Yijing might have brought a new Indic text of the Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī with him when he returned to China, as evidenced by the unique paragraphs in his version of the text, the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 T971, which are absent from other Chinese versions.



Sasaki briefly suggests that Yijing might have brought a new Indic text of the Usnisavijaya-dharani with him when he returned to China, as evidenced by the unique paragraphs in his version of the text, the Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 T971, which are absent from other Chinese versions. T0971; 佛說佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經