

  • 2006 (16) x
Date Source Number of Assertions
2006 Funayama Tōru 船山徹. "Masquerading as Translation: Examples of Chinese Lectures by Indian Scholar-Monks in the Six Dynasties Period," Asia Major 19, no. 1-2 (2006): 39-55. 7
2006 Gotō Gijō 後藤義乗. "Jiku Hōgo no yakugo to Hōun, Buddabadora no yakugo 竺法護の訳語と宝雲・ブッダバドラの訳語." Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 79, no. 7 (2006): 244-245[R]. 1
2006 Boucher, Daniel. “Dharmarakṣa and the Transmission of Buddhism to China.” In China at the Crossroads: A Festschrift in Honor of Victor H. Mair. Special issue of Asia Major, 3rd Ser., 19, no. 1-2 (2006): 13-37. 3
2006 Kawano Satoshi 河野訓. Shoki kan'yaku butten no kenkyū: Jiku Hōgo o chūshin to shite 初期漢訳仏典の研究 : 竺法護を中心として. Ise: Kōgakkan Daigaku Shuppanbu, 2006. 12
2006 Anālayo, Bhikkhu. “The Ekottarika-āgama Parallel to the Saccavibhaṅga-sutta and the Four (Noble) Truths”, Buddhist Studies Review 23, no. 2 (2006): 145-153. 1
2006 Nattier, Jan. “The Names of Amitābha/Amitāyus in Early Chinese Buddhist Translations (2).” ARIRIAB 10 (2007): 359-394. 2
2006 Saitō Takanobu 齊藤隆信, “Kōshutsu Amida-butsu ge to sono yōto 『後出阿弥陀仏偈』とその用途." Bukkyō daigaku sōgō kenkyūjo kiyō bessatsu "Jōdokyō tenseki no kenkyū" 仏教大学総合研究所紀要別冊「浄土教典籍の研究」 1 (2006): 11-29. 1
2006 Nishiwaki Tsuneki. “Zum Fomu jing (‘Sūtra der Mutter des Buddha’).” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungricae 59, no. 1 (2006): 29-46. 2
2006 Yamabe, Nobuyoshi. “Fragments of the 'Yogalehrbuch' in the Pelliot Collection.” In Ein buddhistisches Yogalehrbuch: Unveränderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1964 unter Beigabe aller seither bekannt gewordenen Fragmente, edited by Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Hermann-Josef Röllicke, 325-41. Munich: IUDICIUM, 2006. 1
2006 Sakuma, Hidenori 佐久間秀範. “On Doctrinal Similarities Between Sthiramati and Xuanzang.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 29, no. 2 (2006): 357-382. 1
2006 Hureau, Sylvie. "Preaching and Translating on poṣadha Days: Kumarajiva's Role in Adapting an Indian Ceremony to China." Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 10 (2006): 118-86. 2
2006 Rhodes, Robert F. "The Beginning of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan: From Its Introduction through the Nara Period." Japanese Religions 31, no 1 (2006): 1-22. 2
2006 Nattier, Jan. “The Proto-History of the Buddhāvataṃsaka: The Pusa benye jing and the Dousha jing .” ARIRIAB 8 (2006): 323-360. 1
2006 Bokenkamp, Stephen R. "The Viśvantara-jātaka in Buddhist and Daoist Translation." In Daoism in History: Essays in Honour of Liu Ts'un-yan, edited by Benjamin Penny, 56-73. London: Routledge, 2006. 1
2006 Karashima Seishi 辛嶋静志. “Zhuanji baiyuanjing de yichu niandai kaozheng: Chuben Chongdai boshi de yanjiu jianjie” 《撰集百緣經》的譯出年代考證:出本充代博士的研究簡介. Hanyushi xuebao 漢語史學報 6 (2006): 49–52. 1
2006 Funayama Tōru 船山徹. “Nansei Kyōryō bunsen ō Shō Shiryō sen Jōjūshi no yakuchū sakusei o chūshin to suru Chūgoku Rikuchō bukkyō shi no kiso kenkyū. Kagaku kenkyūhi hojokin kenkyū seika hōkokusho” 南斉・竟陵文宣王蕭子良撰『浄住子』の訳注作成を中心とする中国六朝仏教史の基礎研究. A Report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2006. 1