Text: Fentuoli jing 分陀利經; Sayun fentuoli jing 薩芸芬陀利經


Identifier [None]
Title Sayun fentuoli jing 薩芸芬陀利經; Fentuoli jing 分陀利經 [CSZJJ]
Date [None]
Translator 譯 Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 [CSZJJ]


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[CSZJJ]  Sengyou 僧祐. Chu sanzang ji ji (CSZJJ) 出三藏記集 T2145. — T2145 (LV) 14a11-14

Although this text is sometimes thought to have been another translation by Dharmarakṣa (of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka), Sengyou says that it is unclear who translated it, and lists the text as already lost.

法華經(舊錄有薩芸分陀利經云是異出法華未詳誰出今闕此經竺法護出正法華經十卷鳩摩羅什出新妙法蓮華經七卷). 右一經。三人出。其一經失譯人名。已入失源錄, T2145 (LV) 14a11-14. 分陀利經一卷(舊錄云薩芸芬陀利經或云是異出法花經), T2145 (LV) 18a13-14.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Sasaki 1972]  Sasaki Takanori 佐々木孝憲. “Jiku Hōgo no yakkyō ni tsuite: Shō hoke kyō kaidoku no tame no kisoteki kenkyū 竺法護の訳経について―正法華経解読のための基礎的考察.” In Hoke kyō no Chūgokuteki tenkai 法華経の中国的展開, edited by Sakamoto Yukio 坂本幸男, 471-506[R]. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten, 1972. — 471-472

Sasaki regards as dubious the very existence of this supposed version of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Sasaki 1972]  Sasaki Takanori 佐々木孝憲. “Jiku Hōgo no yakkyō ni tsuite: Shō hoke kyō kaidoku no tame no kisoteki kenkyū 竺法護の訳経について―正法華経解読のための基礎的考察.” In Hoke kyō no Chūgokuteki tenkai 法華経の中国的展開, edited by Sakamoto Yukio 坂本幸男, 471-506[R]. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten, 1972. — 493

Sasaki sees an inconsistent alternation between translation and transcription terminology as characteristic of the early period in Dharmarakṣa’s career. On this basis, he says if the Sayun fentuoli jing 薩芸分陀利經 is indeed by Dharmarakṣa, it is most likely early.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[CSZJJ]  Sengyou 僧祐. Chu sanzang ji ji (CSZJJ) 出三藏記集 T2145.
[Dao'an catalogue]  Dao'an 道安. Zongli zhongjing mulu 綜理衆經目錄.
[Hayashiya 1945]  Hayashiya Tomojirō 林屋友次郎, Iyaku kyōrui no kenkyū‚ 異譯經類の研究, Tokyo: Tōyō bunko, 1945. — 465

Hayashiya examines Dao’an’s list of anonymous scriptures, as “recompiled” by Sengyou under the title 新集安公失譯經錄 at CSZJJ T2145 (LV) 16c7-18c2. The Fentuoli jing 分陀利經 is included in the section of the Dao'an/CSZJJ list for texts listed as “missing” 闕; Sengyou adds an interlinear note: 舊錄云薩芸[分 SYM]芬陀利經或云是異出法花經; 18a13. Hayashiya gives, in tabulated form, information about the treatment of the same texts in Fajing T2146, LDSBJ T2034, the KYL T2154, and his own opinion about whether or not the text is extant in T, and if so, where (by vol. and page no.). The above text is identified by Hayashiya with the Satan fentuoli jing 薩曇[芬 M]分陀利經 T265, listed in the present canon (T) as anonymous 失譯.

Entry author: Merijn ter Haar
