Text: Ahan kou jie 阿含口解


Identifier [None]
Title Ahan kou jie 阿含口解 [Kamata 1982]
Date [None]
Unspecified Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 [Kamata 1982]


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[Kamata 1982]  Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄. Chūgoku bukkyō shi, dai ikkan: Shodenki no bukkyō 中国仏教史 第一巻 初伝期末の仏教. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1982. — 166

Entry author: Michael Radich


  • Title: Ahan kou jie 阿含口解


[Kamata 1982]  Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄. Chūgoku bukkyō shi, dai ikkan: Shodenki no bukkyō 中国仏教史 第一巻 初伝期末の仏教. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1982. — 166

Kamata states that the ascriptions to Yan Fotiao 嚴佛調 for the Ahan kou jie 阿含口解, the Shi’er yinyuan jing 十二因縁經 [cf. 阿含口解十二因縁經 T1508 ascribed to 安玄and 嚴佛調], and the Pusa nei xi liu poluomiduo jing 菩薩内習六波羅蜜經 (T778) are incorrect, claiming that the only translation work of Yan Fotiao is the Ugra-paripṛcchā 法鏡經 T322, which he co-translated with An Xuan 安玄.

Entry author: Atsushi Iseki
