Text: T236b; 金剛般若波羅蜜經


Identifier T236b [T]
Title 金剛般若波羅蜜經 [T]
Date [None]
Translator 譯 Paramārtha, 真諦 [Fang 1995]

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Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[T]  T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014. — T236b VIII 757a25 ff.

Entry author: Michael Radich


  • Title: 金剛般若波羅蜜經
  • Identifier: T236b


[Fang 1995]  Fang Guangchang 方廣錩. “Dunhuang wenxian zhong de Jingang jing jiqi zhushu” 敦煌文獻中的《金剛經》及其注疏. Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 (1995) no. 1: 73–80. — 73

Fang Guangchang points out that the Zifu Canon 资福藏 (1269–1285) mistakenly presented Paramārtha’s translation of the Diamond Sutra (Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā, the present T237) as by Bodhiruci, and omitted Bodhiruci's actual translation. This mistake was corrected by the editors of the Puning Canon 普寧藏 and noted in a colophon, which is preserved at T236a (VIII) 757a14-19 (see below). Nevertheless, later canons such as the Qisha 磧砂藏, T. and the ZHDZJ 中華大藏經 did not notice the problem, and still printed T237 as a supposed second translation or version of Bodhiruci, viz., T236b.

In the present T, this misascription is still carried by T236b.

However, evidence shows that this mistake happened earlier. The Chongning Canon 崇寧藏 (1080–1104) of Dongchan Monastery 東禪寺, Fuzhou, of 1085, preserved in Japan’s imperial library Kunaishō zushoryō 宮内省圖書寮, presents Paramārtha’s translation twice, once correctly under his name (http://db.sido.keio.ac.jp/kanseki/T_bib_frame.php?id=007075-7610), and the other under the name of Bodhiruci (http://db.sido.keio.ac.jp/kanseki/T_bib_frame.php?id=007075-761; accessed December 10th, 2020).

The abovementioned Puning colophon reads:

《金剛般若》,前後六翻。按《開元錄》,此第二譯。《思溪》經本竟失其傳,誤將陳朝真諦三藏者重出,標作魏朝留支所譯,大有逕庭。今於留支三藏所翻論中錄出經本,刊版流通,庶期披閱知有源矣。時至元辛巳冬孟望日,南山普寧經局謹記, T236a (VIII) 757a14-19.

Entry author: Sueyling Tsai
