Text: T1618; 顯識論


Identifier T1618 [T]
Title 顯識論 [T]
Date [None]
Translator 譯 Paramārtha, 真諦 [T]

There may be translations for this text listed in the Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages. If translations are listed, this link will take you directly to them. However, if no translations are listed, the link will lead only to the head of the page.

There are resources for the study of this text in the SAT Daizōkyō Text Dabatase (Saṃgaṇikīkṛtaṃ Taiśotripiṭakaṃ).


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[T]  T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Funayama 2012]  Funayama Tōru 船山徹. “Shintai no katsudō to chosaku no kihonteki tokuchō 眞諦の活動と著作の基本的特徴.” In Shintai sanzō kenkyū ronshū 真諦三藏研究論集 [Studies of the Works and Influence of Paramartha], edited by Funayama Tōru 船山徹, 1-86. Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo/Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 2012. — 7-8

Funayama notes that 顯識論 T1618 contains Sāṃmatīya elements of a commentarial nature, which include statements with identifiable sources in Chinese Buddhist texts. Similar elements, which "are inconsistent with our common understanding of translation documents" are also found in the Si di lun 四諦論 T1647.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Funayama 2012]  Funayama Tōru 船山徹. “Shintai no katsudō to chosaku no kihonteki tokuchō 眞諦の活動と著作の基本的特徴.” In Shintai sanzō kenkyū ronshū 真諦三藏研究論集 [Studies of the Works and Influence of Paramartha], edited by Funayama Tōru 船山徹, 1-86. Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo/Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 2012. — 18-20

These texts are included in a list Funayama gives of works "more naturally to be regarded as Paramārtha’s compositions, rather than translations" 譯とみるよりも真諦の著作と考えるほうが自然であるもの.

Entry author: Michael Radich
