Text: Shi'er yinyuan jing 十二因緣經; *Nidāna-sūtra


Identifier [None]
Title Shi'er yinyuan jing 十二因緣經; *Nidāna-sūtra [Boucher 1996]
Date [None]
Translator 譯 Dharmarakṣa 竺法護, 曇摩羅察 [Boucher 1996]


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[Boucher 1996]  Boucher, Daniel. "Buddhist Translation Procedures in Third-Century China: A Study of Dharmarakṣa and his Translation Idiom." PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1996. — 276

In the appendix to his dissertation Boucher provides a list of ninety-five texts attributed to Dharmarakṣa by Sengyou in his Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集 T2145, along with a note on relevant scholarship. Among these texts is the Shi'er yinyuan jing 十二因緣經 *Nidāna-sūtra.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Chen 2005]  Chen, Jinhua. "Some Aspects of the Buddhist Translation Procedure in Early Medieval China: With Special References to a Longstanding Misreading of a Keyword in the Earliest Extant Buddhist Catalogue in East Asia." Journal Asiatique 293.2 (2005): 603-662. — 657-661

Chen lists thirty-three texts discussed in Sengyou's Chu sanzang ji ji for which dates are given, but where those dates cannot be corroborated by any "translation documents" [meaning primary sources discussing circumstances etc. of translation, such as colophons]:

Fangdeng nihuan jing 方等般泥洹經 T378;
Deguang taizi jing 德光太子經 T170;
Baozang jing 文殊師利現寶藏經 T461;
Da shanquan jing 慧上菩薩問大善權經 T345;
Hailong-wang jing 海龍王經 T598;
Puchao jing 文殊師利普超三昧經 T627;
Pumen jing 普門品經 T315;
Baonü jing 寶女所問經 T399;
Miji jing 密跡經 K[oryŏ taijanggyŏng = 高麗大藏經]997;
Ligoushi nü jing 離垢施女經 T338;
Baoji jing 大寶積經 T310;
Dushi pin jing 度世品經 T292;
Rulai xingxian jing 如來興顯經 T291;
Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經;
Wugai yijie shixing jing 五蓋疑結失行經;
Mie shifang ming jing 滅十方冥經 T435;
Dajing famen jing 大淨法門經 T817;
San fadu 三法度;
Puyao jing 普耀經;
Sitianwang jing 四天王經 T590;
Guangbo yanjing jing 大方廣普賢所說經 T268;
Chan miyao 五門禪經要用法 T619;
Fomu bannihuan jing 佛母般泥洹經 T145;
Nianfo sanmei jing 菩薩念佛三昧經 T414;
Pomo tuoluoni jing 無量門破魔陀羅尼經 T1014;
Za baozang jing 雜寶藏經 T203;
Fu fazing yinyuan jing 付法藏因緣傳 T2058;
Fangbianxin lun 方便心論 T1632;
Shanjian piposha lü 善見律毘婆沙 T1462;
Guanshiyin chanhui chuzui zhoujing 觀世音懺悔除罪咒經;
Shi'er yinyuan jing 十二因緣經;
Xuda zhangzhe jing 須達經 T73.

Entry author: Sophie Florence



[Su 1995]  Su Jinren 蘇晉仁. "Xuyan" 序言. In Su Jinren and Xiao Lianzi 蕭鍊子, eds. Chu sanzang ji ji 出三蔵記集. Zhongguo Fojiao dianji xuankan 中國佛教典籍選刊, 1-32. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1995. — 19-20

At the end of the section on Qi texts, CSZJJ features a somewhat jumbled list of five texts, T2145 (LV) 13c9-20. Like Naitō (whom he does not cite), Su Jinren, "Intro" 19-20, regards this list as a later addition. He points out that the texts are not presented in chronological order, like other texts preceding them in the same section. LDSBJ does not cite CSZJJ as a source for these five texts. In fact, Zhisheng, in KYL, is the first to report them on the basis of CSZJJ. Su believes that this list must have been added to CSZJJ by a later hand.

The titles affected by this theory are: 教戒比丘尼法, 大智論抄, 虛空藏經, 十二因緣經, and 須達長者經. [The ascription of the present T73 to 求那毗地 may ultimately rest on this CSZJJ notice --- MR.]

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Naitō 1958]  Naitō Ryūo 内藤竜雄. "Shutsu sanzō ki shū no senshū nenji ni tsuite 『出三藏記集』の撰集年次について.” IBK 7, no. 1 (1958): 162-163.

For the 撰出經論 section of CSZJJ, LDSBJ T2034 (XLIX) 125c17-126a8 reports 30 texts/66 fascicles less than our extant CSZJJ. Naitō cannot account for all these differences, but suggests that in part, they should be accounted for by five texts/31 fascicles at the end of the 詮名錄 in our received CSZJJ. [T2145 (LV) 13c9-20 --- MR.] This list of five texts is messy, and inconsistent with what precedes it. Preceding items are grouped chronologically, but this list jumps around in time. Three items on the list appear to interrupt a listing of the works of *Guṇavr̥ddha 求那毘陀, after which the section in question returns to him and adds two more lists to his name. Naitō suggests that this list is a later addition, and that Fei Zhangfang saw a version of CSZJJ without it. The five texts include the 教戒比丘尼法, dated to Tianjian 3 (504), and so the revision should have occurred after that year; the two texts ascribed to Guṇavr̥ddha among the presumed additions are dated to Jianwu 建武 2 (495), and so the text preceding the revision should have covered texts down to that year at the latest. The titles affected by this hypothesis are: 教戒比丘尼法, 大智論抄, 虛空藏經, 十二因緣經, and 須達長者經 (cf.T73).

Entry author: Michael Radich
