Identifier | T0200 [T] |
Title | 撰集百緣經 [T] |
Date | Liu Song [Hayashiya 1945] |
Unspecified | Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 [Hayashiya 1945] |
Compiler 編集 | Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 [Demoto 1995] |
Translator 譯 | Zhi Qian 支謙 [T] |
There may be translations for this text listed in the Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages. If translations are listed, this link will take you directly to them. However, if no translations are listed, the link will lead only to the head of the page.
There are resources for the study of this text in the SAT Daizōkyō Text Dabatase (Saṃgaṇikīkṛtaṃ Taiśotripiṭakaṃ).
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[T] T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014. |
Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Nattier 2008] Nattier, Jan. A Guide to the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Translations: Texts from the Eastern Han 東漢 and Three Kingdoms 三國 Periods. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica X. Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2008. |
Nattier does not regard the traditional ascription to Zhi Qian as reliable. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Hayashiya 1945] Hayashiya Tomojirō 林屋友次郎, Iyaku kyōrui no kenkyū‚ 異譯經類の研究, Tokyo: Tōyō bunko, 1945. — 216-325 |
Hayashiya examines the identity and attributions of a number of titles that were dealt with as a Piyu jing 譬喩經 by the catalogues (Hayashiya limits his scope to those considered as independent works), which include seven texts surviving in the Taishō. Among those seven texts, Hayashiya claims that the ascription of the following five texts are incorrect or dubious: the Za piyu jing 雜讐喩經 T207; the Zhuan ji bai yuan jing 撰集百縁經 T200 ascribed to Zhi Qian 支謙; the Jiu za piyu jing 舊雜譬喩經 T206 ascribed to Kang Senghui 康僧會; the Za piyu jing 雜譬喩經 T204 ascribed to *Lokakṣema 支婁迦讖; and the Za piyun jing 雜譬喩經 T205 classified as an anonymous scripture of the Eastern Han period. Hayashiya’s argument about the Zhuan ji bai yuan jing 撰集百縁經 T200 ascribed to Zhi Qian 支謙 can be summarised as follows: T200 has been listed in the catalogues since Fajing with an ascription to Zhi Qian. However, Hayashiya points out that the vocabulary and tone of T200 is not that of the Wei 魏 period, as it contains terms that appear after Kumārajīva, and the text should be reclassified as an anonymous scripture of the Liu Song period (or at least after the Qin 秦 period) (287-288, 312-313). Entry author: Atsushi Iseki |
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[Zürcher 1959/2007] Zürcher, Erik. The Buddhist Conquest of China: The Spread and Adaptation of Buddhism in Early Medieval China. Third Edition. Leiden: Brill, 1959 (2007 reprint). — 50, 336 n. 137 |
According to Zürcher, Sengyou attributed thirty-six texts to Zhi Qian 支謙, of which twenty-three have survived. This entry lists texts which are ascribed to Zhi Qian in the present Taishō, yet do not appear among Sengyou’s attributions. Entry author: Sophie Florence |
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[Ono and Maruyama 1933-1936] Ono Genmyō 小野玄妙, Maruyama Takao 丸山孝雄, eds. Bussho kaisetsu daijiten 佛書解說大辭典. Tokyo: Daitō shuppan, 1933-1936 [縮刷版 1999]. — vol. 3, pp. 210-211 |
According to Akanuma Chizen 赤沼智善, the "Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish" 賢愚經 T202 has some connection with the 撰集百縁經 T200, as seven of the stories in T202 are also found in T200. Entry author: Atsushi Iseki |
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[Demoto 1995] Demoto Mitsuyo 出本充代. "Senshū hyaku innen kyō no yakushutsu nendai ni tsuite 撰集百因縁経の訳出年代について." Pārigaku Bukkyōgaku bunkagaku パーリ学仏教文化学 8 (1995): 99-108(L). |
The Zhuan ji bai yuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 is not mentioned in the Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集 (T2145), and the earliest catalogue that contains information about this title is Fajing’s catalogue, completed in 594. Demoto does not think the attribution to Zhi Qian is credible. She points out that many stories in T200 partially overlap with the stories in the Xianyu jing 賢愚經 (T202), and, in particular, story no. 79 and story no. 98 in T200 are clearly based on story no. 8 and story no. 6 in T202. Therefore, the terminus post quem of T200 is 445, when T202 was translated, and the terminus ante quem is 594. Entry author: Allan Ding |
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[Demoto 1995] Demoto Mitsuyo 出本充代. "Senshū hyaku innen kyō no yakushutsu nendai ni tsuite 撰集百因縁経の訳出年代について." Pārigaku Bukkyōgaku bunkagaku パーリ学仏教文化学 8 (1995): 99-108(L). |
Demoto notes close similarities between T200(79) and T202(8). She uses this evidence as part of a larger argument that T200 cannot be earlier than 445 CE, and therefore, that the ascription of T200 to Zhi Qian is suspect. [This means that she treats T200(79) as borrowed from T202(8), rather than the other way around.] Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Demoto 1995] Demoto Mitsuyo 出本充代. "Senshū hyaku innen kyō no yakushutsu nendai ni tsuite 撰集百因縁経の訳出年代について." Pārigaku Bukkyōgaku bunkagaku パーリ学仏教文化学 8 (1995): 99-108(L). |
Demoto notes close similarities between T200(98) and T202(6). She uses this evidence as part of a larger argument that T200 cannot be earlier than 445 CE, and therefore, that the ascription of T200 to Zhi Qian is suspect. [This means that she treats T200(98) as borrowed from T202(6), rather than the other way around.] Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Karashima 2006] Karashima Seishi 辛嶋静志. “Zhuanji baiyuanjing de yichu niandai kaozheng: Chuben Chongdai boshi de yanjiu jianjie” 《撰集百緣經》的譯出年代考證:出本充代博士的研究簡介. Hanyushi xuebao 漢語史學報 6 (2006): 49–52. |
In this brief communication, Karashima summarizes Demoto 1995 and Demoto’s unpublished dissertation completed in 1998. According to the dissertation, because the Jinglü yixiang 經律異相 (T2121) completed in 516 incorporates about fifty stories from the Xianyu jing 賢愚經 (T202) without mentioning T200, it is possible that T200 was "translated" [produced] around the mid-sixth century. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Ji Qin argues that the translation of the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 postdates the Three Kingdoms period. They refer to Ji Qin 季琴. “Sanguo Zhi Qian yijing cihui yanjiu” 三國支謙譯經詞匯研究. PhD diss., Zhejiang daxue, 2004; Ji Qin 季琴. “Cong cihui de jiaodu kan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yizhe ji chengshu niandai” 從詞匯的角度看《撰集百緣經》的譯者及成書年代. Zongjiao xue yanjiu 宗教學研究 4 (2006): 64–67, 222; Ji Qin 季琴. “Cong ciyu de jiaodu kan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yizhe ji chengshu niandai” 從詞語的角度看《撰集百緣經》的譯者及成書年代. Zhongguo dianji yu wenhua 中國典籍與文化 1 (2008): 19–24; Ji Qin 季琴. “Cong yufa jiaodu kan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yizhe ji chengshu niandai” 從語法角度看《撰集百緣經》的譯者及成書年代. Yuyan yanjiu 語言研究 1 (2009): 105–109. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Huo Juan argues that the translation of the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 postdates the Three Kingdoms period. They refer to Huo Juan 豁娟. “Cong rencheng daici kan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yizhe he fanyi niandai” 從人稱代詞看《撰集百緣經》的譯者和翻譯時代. Ningbo guangbo dianshi daxue xuebao 寧波廣播電視大學學報 4 (2019): 38–43. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Zhang and Fang argue that the translation of the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 postdates the Three Kingdoms period. They refer to Zhang Yuwei 張雨薇 and Fang Yixin 方一新. “Zhuan ji baiyuan jing fei Sanguo Wu Zhi Qian yi de yuyan xue zhengju” 《撰集百緣經》非三國吳支謙譯的語言學證據. Henan shifan daxue xuebao (zhexue shehui kexue ban) 河南師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)2 (2019): 99–104. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Chen Xiangming argues that the translation of the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 postdates the Western Jin dynasty. They refer to Chen Xiangming 陳祥明. “Cong yuyan jiaodu kan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yizhe ji fanyi niandai” 從語言角度看《撰集百緣經》的譯者及翻譯年代. Yuyan yanjiu 語言研究 1 (2009): 95–104. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Duan Gaiying argues that the translation of the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 is not later than the 6th century. They refer to Duan Gaiying 段改英. “Dui ‘po …… fou’ yiwenju de lishi kaocha––jian lun Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de fanyi niandai” 對“頗 ...... 不”疑問句的歷史考察——兼論《撰集百緣經》的翻譯年代. Xinan keji daxue xuebao (zhexue shehui kexue ban) 西南科技大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 4 (2011): 63–65. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Zhen Dacheng argues that the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 was translated in the North in the 6th century. They refer to Zhen Dacheng 真大成. “‘Nu’ zuo zicheng chengwei ci xiaokao––jian tan Zhuan ji baiyuan jing de yicheng shi di” “奴”作自稱稱謂詞小考——兼談《撰集百緣經》的譯成時地. Hanzi Hanyu yanjiu 漢字漢語研究 4 (2020): 76–83. Entry author: Mengji Huang |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 8 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that Lu Qiaoqin argues that the Zhuan ji baiyuan jing 撰集百緣經 T200 was translated in the North or Gaochang 高昌. They refer to Lu Qiaoqin 盧巧琴. DongHan Wei Jin Nanbeichao yijing yuliao de jianbie 東漢魏晉南北朝譯經語料的鑒別. Hangzhou: Zhejiang daxue, 2011: 131–144. Entry author: Mengji Huang |