Identifier | T0197 [T] |
Title | 佛說興起行經 [T] |
Date | 220-420 [Fang 2003] |
Unspecified | Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 [Palumbo 2013] |
Translator 譯 | Kang Mengxiang, 康孟詳 [T] |
There may be translations for this text listed in the Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages. If translations are listed, this link will take you directly to them. However, if no translations are listed, the link will lead only to the head of the page.
There are resources for the study of this text in the SAT Daizōkyō Text Dabatase (Saṃgaṇikīkṛtaṃ Taiśotripiṭakaṃ).
Preferred? | Source | Pertains to | Argument | Details |
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[T] T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014. |
Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Nattier 2008] Nattier, Jan. A Guide to the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Translations: Texts from the Eastern Han 東漢 and Three Kingdoms 三國 Periods. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica X. Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2008. |
Nattier does not regard the traditional ascription to Kang Mengxiang as reliable. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[CSZJJ] Sengyou 僧祐. Chu sanzang ji ji (CSZJJ) 出三藏記集 T2145. — T2145 (LV) 21c23 |
In Sengyou's Chu sanzang ji ji, T197 is regarded as an anonymous translation, that is to say, it is listed in the "Newly Compiled Continuation of the Assorted List of Anonymous Translations" 新集續撰失譯雜經錄 (juan 4): 興起行經二卷. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Fajing 594] Fajing 法經. Zhongjing mulu 眾經目錄 T2146. — T2146 (LV) 130b20 |
T197 is treated anonymous in Fajing. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Fei 597] Fei Changfang 費長房. Lidai sanbao ji (LDSBJ) 歷代三寶紀 T2034. — T2034 (XLIX) 54b2, 116c9 |
The ascription of T197 to Kang Mengxiang probably dates to LDSBJ, which cites the Wu lu 吳錄. The same title is incongruously treated as anonymous in Fascicle 14. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Radich 2019] Radich, Michael. “Fei Changfang’s Treatment of Sengyou’s Anonymous Texts.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 139.4 (2019): 819-841. |
According to the abstract, Radich argues: "Fei Changfang/Zhangfang’s 費長房 Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三寶紀 T2034 (completed in 598) is a source of numerous problematic ascriptions and dates for texts in the received Chinese Buddhist canon. This paper presents new evidence of troubling patterns in the assignment of new ascriptions in Lidai sanbao ji, and aims thereby to shed new light on Fei’s working method. I show that Lidai sanbao ji consistently gives new attributions to the same translators for whole groups of texts clustering closely together in a long list of texts treated as anonymous in the earlier Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集 T2145 of Sengyou 僧祐 (completed ca. 515). It is impossible that Sengyou grouped these texts together on the basis of attribution, since he did not know them. The most economical explanation for the assignment of each individual group to the same translator in Lidai sanbao ji, therefore, is that someone added the same attributions in batches to restricted chunks of Sengyou’s list. This and other evidence shows that Lidai sanbao ji is even more unreliable than previously thought, and urges even greater critical awareness in the use of received ascriptions for many of our texts." Radich argues that the patterns of unreliable information he has here uncovered cast doubt upon the ascriptions of all the texts affected. Extant texts affected are the following (from Radich's Appendix 1; listed in order of Taishō numbering; listing gives title, Taishō number, Taishō ascription, and locus in LDSBJ): 七佛父母姓字經 T4, Anon., former Wei 前魏, 60b19. This CBC@ entry is associated with all of affected extant texts. Entry author: Michael Radich |
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[Palumbo 2013] Palumbo, Antonello. An Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the History of the Translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經. Dharma Drum Buddhist College Research Series 7. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co., 2013. — 252 |
Palumbo observes that the terminology of T197 evinces a style that is otherwise associated with Zhu Fonian, such as 真淨 for Śuddhodana and 偷婆 for *stūpa*. Since T197 is either listed as anonymous by reliable sources like CSZJJ or suspiciously ascribed to Kang Mengxiang by Fei in LDSBJ, Palumbo proposes possible connection of this text with Zhu Fonian. Entry author: Sharon Chi |
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[Fang 2003] Fang Yixin 方一新. “Xingqi xing jing fanyi nindai chutan.”〈兴起行经〉翻译年代初探. Zhongguo yuyan xuebao 中国语言学报 (2003) 11:276-284. |
Based on a few selected grammatical features, translated names, and words that otherwise rarely appear in texts (both Buddhist and non-Buddhist) prior to the Three Kingdoms, Fang refutes the ascription of the Xingqi xing jing 興起行經 T197 to Kang Mengxiang, who was reported to be active in the Eastern Han. Instead, he estimates the text to date to sometime between the Three Kingdoms and the Eastern Jin. Entry author: Sharon Chi |
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[Fang and Lu 2023] Fang Yixin 方一新 and Lu Lu 盧鹭. “Jin shiyu nian cong yuyan jiaodu kaobian keyi Fojing chengguo de huigu yu zhanwang” 近十余年從語言角度考辨可疑佛經成果的回顧與展望.” Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences Online Edition), Jan. 2023: 1–24. — 7 |
In a survey article of scholarship on questions of attribution in the Chinese canon published in the last decade, Fang and Lu state that studies by Fang and by Fang and Gao argue that the Xingqi xing jing 興起行經 T197 was possibly produced as late as the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They refer to Fang Yixin 方一新. “Cong yiming yanbian kan yi yi Fojing de fanyi niandai” 從譯名演變看疑、佚佛經的翻譯年代. In Lishi yuyan xue yanjiu 歷史語言學研究, vol.1, edited by Zhongguo shehui kexue yuan yuyan yanjiusuo Lishi yuyanu xue yanjiu bianji bu 中國社會科學院語言研究所《歷史語言學研究》編輯部, 54–64. Beijing: Shangwu yinshu guan, 2008; Fang Yixin 方一新. “Xingqi xing jing fanyi niandai chutan”《興起行經〉翻譯年代初探. Zhongguo yuyan xuebao 中國語言學報 11 (2003): 276–284; Fang Yixin 方一新 and Gao Lieguo 高列過. Donghan yi wei Fojing de yuyan xue kaobian yanjiu 東漢疑偽佛經的語言學考辨研究. Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 2012: 230–285. Entry author: Mengji Huang |