Text: Pusa zhai jing 菩薩齋經; Pusa zhai fa 菩薩齋法; Pusa zhengzhai jing 菩薩正齋經; Chi zhai jing 持齋經


Identifier [None]
Title Pusa zhai fa 菩薩齋法; Pusa zhengzhai jing 菩薩正齋經; Chi zhai jing 持齋經 [Boucher 1996]
Date [None]
Translator 譯 Dharmarakṣa 竺法護, 曇摩羅察 [Boucher 1996]


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[Boucher 1996]  Boucher, Daniel. "Buddhist Translation Procedures in Third-Century China: A Study of Dharmarakṣa and his Translation Idiom." PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1996. — 283

In the appendix to his dissertation Boucher provides a list of ninety-five texts attributed to Dharmarakṣa by Sengyou in his Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏記集 T2145, along with a note on relevant scholarship. Among these texts is the Pusa zhai fa 菩薩齋法. He adds that the text is also known as Pusa zhengzhai jing 菩薩正齋經, and Chi zhai jing 持齋經.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Jiu lu CSZJJ]  Jiu lu 舊錄 as reported by CSZJJ 出三藏記集 T2145. — T2145 (LV) 9b26

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 菩薩齋法:


Entry author: Michael Radich


  • Title: Pusa zhai jing 菩薩齋經


[Jiu lu CSZJJ]  Jiu lu 舊錄 as reported by CSZJJ 出三藏記集 T2145. — T2145 (LV) 7b12-9c4

In the section of the 新集經論錄, CSZJJ Fascicle 2, on Dharmarakṣa, Sengyou lists the following 32 texts for which a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 is cited in evidence in interlinear notes. He cites the Jiu lu for information about alternate titles.

賢劫經七卷, cf. T425
正法華經十卷, cf. T263
大哀經七卷, cf. T398
持心經六卷, cf. T585
修行經七卷, cf. T606
普超經四卷, cf. T627
嚴淨佛土經二卷, cf. T318
阿耨達經二卷, cf. T635
寶藏經二卷, cf. T461
寶結[v.l.髻YM]經二卷, cf. T310(47)
等集眾德三昧經三卷, cf. T381
寶女經四卷, cf. T399
五十緣身行經一卷, cf. T812
須摩經一卷, cf. T334
溫室經一卷, cf. T701
移山經一卷, cf. T135
文殊師利五體悔過經一卷, cf. T459
無思議孩童經一卷 (presumed lost)
迦葉集結經一卷 (perhaps lost, but cf. T2027)
寶罔[v.l.網SYM]童子經一卷, cf. T433
順權方便經二卷, cf. T565
五百弟子本起經一卷, cf. T199
佛為菩薩五夢經一卷 (presumed lost)
如幻三昧經二卷, cf. T342
胞胎經一卷, cf. T317
大六向拜經一卷 (presumed lost)
過去佛分衛經一卷, cf. T180
阿述達經一卷 (presumed lost)
給孤獨明德經一卷 (presumed lost)
龍施本起經一卷, cf. T588
猛施經一卷 (presumed lost)
菩薩齋法[+經M]一卷 (presumed lost)

Sengyou also cites the Jiu lu for the 超日明經 T638, which, according to his information, was translated initially by Dharmarakṣa and then revised and abridged by Nie Chengyuan 聶承遠.

Entry author: Michael Radich
