Source: Jiu lu CSZJJ

Jiu lu 舊錄 as reported by CSZJJ 出三藏記集 T2145.


Assertion Argument Place in source Search

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 四十二章經, and notes that the text is not found in Dao'an's catalogues:



T2145 (LV) 5c17

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 四十二章經, and notes that the text is not found in Dao'an's catalogues: 四十二章經一卷(舊錄云孝明皇帝四十二章安法師所撰錄闕此經) T0784; 四十二章經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the Bailiushi pin jing 百六十品經:



T2145 (LV) 5c25-26

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the Bailiushi pin jing 百六十品經: 百六十品經一卷(舊錄云增一阿含百六十章) Bailiushi pin jing 百六十品經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿毘曇五法經:



T2145 (LV) 6a2

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿毘曇五法經: 阿毘曇五法經一卷(舊錄云阿毘曇五法行經) T1557; 阿毘曇五法行經 阿毘曇五法經; 五法經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 七法經:



T2145 (LV) 6a3

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 七法經: 七法經一卷(舊錄云阿毘曇七[十SYM]法行經或云七法行今[令M]闕此經) Qi fa jing 七法經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 十報經:



T2145 (LV) 6a5

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 十報經: 十報經二卷(舊錄云長阿含十報法) T0013; 長阿含十報法經; Shi bao jing 十報經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五陰喻經:



T2145 (LV) 6a18

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五陰喻經: 五陰喻經一卷(舊錄云五陰譬喻經) T0105; 五陰譬喻經; 河中大聚沫經 五陰喩經; 五陰譬喩經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 流攝經:



T2145 (LV) 6a20-21

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 流攝經: 流攝經一卷(舊錄云一切[流[+攝SYM]經或云一切流攝守經) T0031; 一切流攝守因經; 流攝經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 十四意經, and states that the text is "presently missing":



T2145 (LV) 6a23-24

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 十四意經, and states that the text is "presently missing": 十四意經一卷(舊錄云菩薩十四[-SYM]意經今][+此經SYM]闕) Shisi yi jing 十四意經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 般舟[般]三昧經, including a date for its translation (179 CE):



T2145 (LV) 6b12

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 般舟[般]三昧經, including a date for its translation (179 CE): 般舟般[-SYM]三昧經一[二SYM]卷(舊錄云大般舟三昧經光和二年十月[+初SYM]八日出) T0417; Pratyutpannabuddhasammukhavasthitasamadhi-sutra; 般舟三昧經 T0418; 般舟三昧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 伅真陀羅經, notes that the text is not found in Dao'an's catalogues, and states that the text is "presently missing":



T2145 (LV) 6b13-14

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 伅真陀羅經, notes that the text is not found in Dao'an's catalogues, and states that the text is "presently missing": 伅真陀羅經二卷(舊錄云屯[伅M]真陀羅王經別錄所載安錄無今闕) T0624; Dun zhentuoluo jing 伅眞陀羅經; Dun zhentuoluo suowen bao rulai jing 伅眞陀羅所問寶如來經; 佛說伅真陀羅所問如來三昧經; Dun zhentuoluo suowen bao rulai sanmei jing 伅眞陀羅所問寶如來三昧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿闍世王經:



T2145 (LV) 6b16

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿闍世王經: 阿闍世王經二卷(安公云出長阿含舊錄阿闍貰[世YM]經) T0626; 佛說阿闍世王經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶積經 [this item is listed among the works of Lokakṣema; cf. the Kāśyapa-parivarta T350 --- MR]:



T2145 (LV) 6b17

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶積經 [this item is listed among the works of Lokaksema; cf. the Kasyapa-parivarta T350 --- MR]: 寶積經一卷(安公云一名摩尼寶光和二年出舊錄云摩尼寶經二卷) T0350; 遺曰羅摩尼寶經; *[Buddhabhasita]Vaipulyaratnakuta-sutra; *[Buddhabhasita]Vaipulyamaniratna-sutra; *vevulla-Maniratna-dharmaparyaya; 寶積經; 佛說遺日摩尼寶經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 內藏百品經:



T2145 (LV) 6b23-24

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 內藏百品經: 內藏百品經一卷(安公云出方等部舊錄云內藏百寶經遍校群錄並云內藏百寶無內藏百品故知即此經也) T0807; 佛說內藏百寶經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 賢劫經:



T2145 (LV) 7b13-14

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 賢劫經: 賢劫經七卷(舊錄云賢劫三昧經或云賢劫定意經元康元年七月二十一日出) T0425; 賢劫經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 正法華經:



T2145 (LV) 7b14

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 正法華經: 正法華經十卷(二十七品舊錄云正法華經或云方等正法華經太康七年八月十日出) T0263; 正法華方等; 正法華方等經典; 法華方等正經; 正法華經方等典詔; 正法華經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大哀經:



T2145 (LV) 7b16

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大哀經: 大哀經七卷(二十八品舊錄云如來大哀經元康元年七月七日出) T0398; 大哀經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 持心經:



T2145 (LV) 7b19-20

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 持心經: 持心經六卷(十七品一名等御諸法一名莊嚴佛法舊錄云持心梵天經或云持心梵天所問經太康七年三月十日出) T0585; 持心經; 持心梵天所問經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 修行經 [this text is listed among the translations of Dharmarakṣa; cf. the *Yogācārabhūmi T606--- MR]:



T2145 (LV) 7b21-22

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 修行經 [this text is listed among the translations of Dharmaraksa; cf. the *Yogacarabhumi T606--- MR]: 修行經七卷(二十七品舊錄云修行道地經太康五年二月二十三日出) T0606; 偷迦遮復彌經 *Yogacarabhumi-sutra; 修行經; 修行道地經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 普超經:



T2145 (LV) 7b25-c1

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 普超經: 普超經四卷(一名阿闍世王品安錄亦云更出阿闍世王經或為三卷舊錄云文殊普超三昧經太康七年十二月二十七日出) T0627; 普超三昧經; 文殊支利普超三昧經; 文殊師利普超三昧經 普超經; 更出阿闍世王經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 嚴淨佛土經:



T2145 (LV) 7c3-4

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 嚴淨佛土經: 嚴淨佛土經二卷(舊錄云文[是文SYM]殊師利嚴淨經或云文殊[珠M]佛土嚴淨經) T0318; 文殊師利佛土嚴淨經; 嚴淨佛土經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿耨達經 [this title is listed among the works of Dharmarakṣa; cf. the *Anavataptanāgarāja-paripr̥cchā T635 --- MR]:



T2145 (LV) 7c4-5

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿耨達經 [this title is listed among the works of Dharmaraksa; cf. the *Anavataptanagaraja-pariprccha T635 --- MR]: 阿耨達經二卷(一名弘道廣顯三昧經舊錄云阿耨達龍王經或云阿耨達請佛經) T0635; 佛說弘道廣顯三昧經; 阿耨達龍王經 阿耨達龍王經; Anouda jing 阿耨達經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶藏經:



T2145 (LV) 7c7-8

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶藏經: 寶藏經二卷(舊錄云文殊師利寶藏經或云文殊師利現寶藏太始六年十月出) T0461; 佛說文殊師利現寶藏經; 文殊師利寶藏經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶結[髻] (note carried in K only):

寶結[髻YM]經二卷(一名菩薩淨行經舊錄云寶結菩薩經[entire note reading 舊錄云寶結菩薩經 missing in SYM]或云寶結菩薩所問經永熙元年七月十四日出)


T2145 (LV) 7c8-9

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶結[髻] (note carried in K only): 寶結[髻YM]經二卷(一名菩薩淨行經舊錄云寶結菩薩經[entire note reading 舊錄云寶結菩薩經 missing in SYM]或云寶結菩薩所問經永熙元年七月十四日出) T310(47); Baoji pusa hui 寶髻菩薩會; Ratnacudapariprccha; 寶結菩薩經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 等集眾德三昧經:



T2145 (LV) 7c12

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 等集眾德三昧經: 等集眾德三昧經三卷(舊錄云等集眾德經或云等集[+三昧經SYM]) T0381; 等集眾德三昧經; 等集眾德經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶女經:



T2145 (LV) 7c24-25

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶女經: 寶女經四卷(舊錄云寶女三昧經或云寶女問慧經太康八年四月二十七日出) T0399; 寶女所問經; 寶女三昧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五十緣身行經:



T2145 (LV) 8a5-6

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五十緣身行經: 五十緣身行經一卷(舊錄云菩薩緣身五十事經或云菩薩行五十緣身經) T0812; 菩薩行五十緣身經; 菩薩緣身五十事經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 須摩經 [listed among titles ascribed to Dharmarakṣa; cf. T334 --- MR]:



T2145 (LV) 8a8-9

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 須摩經 [listed among titles ascribed to Dharmaraksa; cf. T334 --- MR]: 須摩經一卷(舊錄云須摩提經或云須摩提菩薩經) T0334; 須摩提經; *Sumatidarikapariprccha; 佛說須摩提菩薩經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 溫室經 [cf. T701]:



T2145 (LV) 8a14-15

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 溫室經 [cf. T701]: 溫室經一卷(舊錄云溫室洗浴眾僧經) T0701; 佛說溫室洗浴眾僧經 Wenshi jing 溫室經; Wenshi xiyu zhongseng jing 溫室洗浴眾僧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 移山經:



T2145 (LV) 8a17

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 移山經: 移山經一卷(舊錄云力士移山經) T0135; 佛說力士移山經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 文殊師利五體悔過經:



T2145 (LV) 8a18

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 文殊師利五體悔過經: 文殊師利五體悔過經一卷(舊錄云文殊師利悔過)[+經泰始七年正月二十七日出SYM] T0459; 佛說文殊悔過經; 文殊師利悔過

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 無思議孩童經:



T2145 (LV) 8a21-22

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 無思議孩童經: 無思議孩童經一卷(舊錄云孩童經或云無思議光孩童菩薩經或云無思議光經) Acintyaprabhasanirdesa-sutra; Wusiyi guang jing 無思議光經; Haitong jing 孩童經; Wusiyi haitong jing 無思議孩童經; Wusiyi guanghaitong pusa jing 無思議光孩童菩薩經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 迦葉集結經:



T2145 (LV) 8a22-23

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 迦葉集結經: 迦葉集結經一卷(舊錄云迦葉結經) Jiashe jijie jing 迦葉集結經; Jiashe jie jing 迦葉結經 T2027; 迦葉結經; Jiashe jie Anan jing 迦葉詰阿難經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶罔[網]童子經:



T2145 (LV) 8b3

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 寶罔[網]童子經: 寶罔[網SYM]童子經一卷(舊錄云寶罔[網SYM]經) T0433; 佛說寶網經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 順權方便經:



T2145 (LV) 8b4-5

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 順權方便經: 順權方便經二卷(一本云惟權方便經舊錄云順權女經一名[云SYM]轉女身菩薩經[[+太安二年四月九日出SYM]) T0565; 順權女經; 順權方便經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五百弟子本起經:



T2145 (LV) 8b5-6

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 五百弟子本起經: 五百弟子本起經一卷(舊錄云五百弟子自說本末經[+太安二年五月一日出SYM]或云佛五百弟子自說本起經) T0199; 佛五百弟子自說本起經; 五百弟子自說本末經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 佛為菩薩五夢經:



T2145 (LV) 8b7

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 佛為菩薩五夢經: 佛為菩薩五夢經一卷(舊錄云佛五夢[+太安二年五月六日出SYM]或云太子五夢) Fo wei pusa wumeng jing 佛為菩薩五夢經; Taizi wumeng 太子五夢; Fo wumeng 佛五夢

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 如幻三昧經. He notes that the Jiu lu reports a different number of juan; this indicates that the Jiu lu recorded the length of texts:



T2145 (LV) 8b9-10

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 如幻三昧經. He notes that the Jiu lu reports a different number of juan; this indicates that the Jiu lu recorded the length of texts: 如幻三昧經二卷(舊錄云三卷[+太安二年五月十一日出SYM]) T0342; 佛說如幻三昧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 胞胎經:



T2145 (LV) 8b12-13

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 胞胎經: 胞胎經一卷(舊錄云胞胎受身經[+太安二年八月一日出SYM]) T0317; 佛說胞胎經; 胞胎受身經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大六向拜經:



T2145 (LV) 8b21

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大六向拜經: 大六向拜經一卷(舊錄云六向拜經或云威華長者六向拜經) Da liuxiang bai jing 大六向拜經; Weihua zhangzhe liuxiang bai jing 威華長者大六向拜經; Liuxiang bai jing 六向拜經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 過去佛分衛經:



T2145 (LV) 8c5-6

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 過去佛分衛經: 過去佛分衛經一卷(舊錄云過世佛分衛經) T0180; 過去世佛分衛經; 過世佛分衛經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿述達經:



T2145 (LV) 8c9

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 阿述達經: 阿述達經一卷(別錄所載安錄先闕舊錄云阿述達女經或云阿闍[+貰SYM]王女阿術[述SYM]達菩薩經) 阿述達女經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 給孤獨明德經:



T2145 (LV) 9a24

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 給孤獨明德經: 給孤獨明德經一卷(舊錄云給孤獨氏經[經+太熈元年末出SYM]) 給孤獨氏經; Jigudu ming de jing 給孤獨明德經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 龍施本起經:



T2145 (LV) 9b3-4

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 龍施本起經: 龍施本起經一卷(舊錄云龍施本經或云龍施女經) T0558; 佛說龍施菩薩本起經; 龍施本經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 猛施經:



T2145 (LV) 9b19

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 猛施經: 猛施經一卷(舊錄云猛施道地經[+永興二年二月二十日出SYM]) Meng shi jing 猛施經 ; 猛施道地經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 菩薩齋法:



T2145 (LV) 9b26

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 菩薩齋法: 菩薩齋法[+經M]一卷(舊錄云菩薩齋經或云賢首菩薩齋經) Pusa zhai jing 菩薩齋經; Pusa zhai fa 菩薩齋法; Pusa zhengzhai jing 菩薩正齋經; Chi zhai jing 持齋經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 超日明經:



T2145 (LV) 9c5

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 超日明經: 超日明經二卷(舊錄云超日明三昧經) T0638; 佛說超日明三昧經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 首楞嚴經, stating that it carried a notice about a [Zhu] Shulan version of the Śūraṃgamasamādhi in two fascicles, and notes that the title was missing from Dao'an's catalogues:



T2145 (LV) 9c13

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 首楞嚴經, stating that it carried a notice about a [Zhu] Shulan version of the Suramgamasamadhi in two fascicles, and notes that the title was missing from Dao'an's catalogues: 首楞嚴經二卷(別錄所載安錄先闕舊錄有叔蘭首楞嚴二卷) Zhu Shulan 竺尗蘭, 竺叔蘭, Zhu Fashu 竺法寂, 竺法叔 *Suramgamasamadhi-sutra; Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大方等如來藏經:



T2145 (LV) 9c20-21

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 大方等如來藏經: 大方等如來藏經一卷(舊錄云佛藏方等經) Da fangdeng rulaizang jing 大方等如來藏經; Fozang fangdeng jing 佛藏方等經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 譬喻經:



T2145 (LV) 10a20

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the 譬喻經: 譬喻經十卷(舊錄云正譬喻經十卷) Piyu jing 譬喻經; Zheng piyu jing 正譬喻經

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information bearing upon the 法華經, stating that that catalogue contained a notice of a 薩芸分陀利經, and (possibly) that it was an alternate translation of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka 異出法華 (whether this information comes from the Jiu lu or not depends upon exactly where the citation ends):


Sengyou himself adds that it is uncertain who translated this text, and that it is "presently missing":



T2145 (LV) 14a11-12

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information bearing upon the 法華經, stating that that catalogue contained a notice of a 薩芸分陀利經, and (possibly) that it was an alternate translation of the Saddharmapundarika 異出法華 (whether this information comes from the Jiu lu or not depends upon exactly where the citation ends): 法華經(舊錄有薩芸分陀利經云是異出法華未詳誰出今闕此經竺法護出正法華經十卷鳩摩羅什出新妙法蓮華經七卷) Sengyou himself adds that it is uncertain who translated this text, and that it is "presently missing": 未詳誰出今闕 薩芸分陀利經 Saddharmapundarika-sutra

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the *Śūraṃgamasamādhi-sūtra 首楞嚴經, saying that the Jiu lu feature a notice of a title possibly to be identified with it, the "Sichuan Shoulengyan" 蜀首楞嚴 in two fascicles:


Sengyou himself adds that it is unclear who translated this text:



T2145 (LV) 14a15-16

Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as a source for information about the *Suramgamasamadhi-sutra 首楞嚴經, saying that the Jiu lu feature a notice of a title possibly to be identified with it, the "Sichuan Shoulengyan" 蜀首楞嚴 in two fascicles: 首楞嚴經(支識首楞嚴二卷支謙首楞嚴二卷白延首楞嚴二卷竺法護更出勇伏定二卷即更出首楞嚴竺寂蘭首楞嚴[經SYM]二卷鳩摩羅什新出首楞嚴二卷舊錄有蜀首楞嚴二卷未詳誰出) Sengyou himself adds that it is unclear who translated this text: 未詳誰出 Anonymous (China), 失譯, 闕譯, 未詳撰者, 未詳作者, 不載譯人 *Suramgamasamadhi-sutra; Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 Shu shoulengyan jing 蜀首楞嚴經

In the section of the 新集經論錄, CSZJJ Fascicle 2, on Dharmarakṣa, Sengyou lists the following 32 texts for which a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 is cited in evidence in interlinear notes. He cites the Jiu lu for information about alternate titles.

賢劫經七卷, cf. T425
正法華經十卷, cf. T263
大哀經七卷, cf. T398
持心經六卷, cf. T585
修行經七卷, cf. T606
普超經四卷, cf. T627
嚴淨佛土經二卷, cf. T318
阿耨達經二卷, cf. T635
寶藏經二卷, cf. T461
寶結[v.l.髻YM]經二卷, cf. T310(47)
等集眾德三昧經三卷, cf. T381
寶女經四卷, cf. T399
五十緣身行經一卷, cf. T812
須摩經一卷, cf. T334
溫室經一卷, cf. T701
移山經一卷, cf. T135
文殊師利五體悔過經一卷, cf. T459
無思議孩童經一卷 (presumed lost)
迦葉集結經一卷 (perhaps lost, but cf. T2027)
寶罔[v.l.網SYM]童子經一卷, cf. T433
順權方便經二卷, cf. T565
五百弟子本起經一卷, cf. T199
佛為菩薩五夢經一卷 (presumed lost)
如幻三昧經二卷, cf. T342
胞胎經一卷, cf. T317
大六向拜經一卷 (presumed lost)
過去佛分衛經一卷, cf. T180
阿述達經一卷 (presumed lost)
給孤獨明德經一卷 (presumed lost)
龍施本起經一卷, cf. T588
猛施經一卷 (presumed lost)
菩薩齋法[+經M]一卷 (presumed lost)

Sengyou also cites the Jiu lu for the 超日明經 T638, which, according to his information, was translated initially by Dharmarakṣa and then revised and abridged by Nie Chengyuan 聶承遠.


T2145 (LV) 7b12-9c4

In the section of the 新集經論錄, CSZJJ Fascicle 2, on Dharmaraksa, Sengyou lists the following 32 texts for which a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 is cited in evidence in interlinear notes. He cites the Jiu lu for information about alternate titles. 賢劫經七卷, cf. T425 正法華經十卷, cf. T263 大哀經七卷, cf. T398 持心經六卷, cf. T585 修行經七卷, cf. T606 普超經四卷, cf. T627 嚴淨佛土經二卷, cf. T318 阿耨達經二卷, cf. T635 寶藏經二卷, cf. T461 寶結[v.l.髻YM]經二卷, cf. T310(47) 等集眾德三昧經三卷, cf. T381 寶女經四卷, cf. T399 五十緣身行經一卷, cf. T812 須摩經一卷, cf. T334 溫室經一卷, cf. T701 移山經一卷, cf. T135 文殊師利五體悔過經一卷, cf. T459 無思議孩童經一卷 (presumed lost) 迦葉集結經一卷 (perhaps lost, but cf. T2027) 寶罔[v.l.網SYM]童子經一卷, cf. T433 順權方便經二卷, cf. T565 五百弟子本起經一卷, cf. T199 佛為菩薩五夢經一卷 (presumed lost) 如幻三昧經二卷, cf. T342 胞胎經一卷, cf. T317 大六向拜經一卷 (presumed lost) 過去佛分衛經一卷, cf. T180 阿述達經一卷 (presumed lost) 給孤獨明德經一卷 (presumed lost) 龍施本起經一卷, cf. T588 猛施經一卷 (presumed lost) 菩薩齋法[+經M]一卷 (presumed lost) Sengyou also cites the Jiu lu for the 超日明經 T638, which, according to his information, was translated initially by Dharmaraksa and then revised and abridged by Nie Chengyuan 聶承遠. Acintyaprabhasanirdesa-sutra; Wusiyi guang jing 無思議光經; Haitong jing 孩童經; Wusiyi haitong jing 無思議孩童經; Wusiyi guanghaitong pusa jing 無思議光孩童菩薩經 Da liuxiang bai jing 大六向拜經; Weihua zhangzhe liuxiang bai jing 威華長者大六向拜經; Liuxiang bai jing 六向拜經 Fo wei pusa wumeng jing 佛為菩薩五夢經; Taizi wumeng 太子五夢; Fo wumeng 佛五夢 Jiashe jijie jing 迦葉集結經; Jiashe jie jing 迦葉結經 Meng shi jing 猛施經 ; 猛施道地經 Pusa zhai jing 菩薩齋經; Pusa zhai fa 菩薩齋法; Pusa zhengzhai jing 菩薩正齋經; Chi zhai jing 持齋經 T0135; 佛說力士移山經 T0180; 過去世佛分衛經; 過世佛分衛經 T0199; 佛五百弟子自說本起經; 五百弟子自說本末經 T0263; 正法華方等; 正法華方等經典; 法華方等正經; 正法華經方等典詔; 正法華經 T0317; 佛說胞胎經; 胞胎受身經 T0318; 文殊師利佛土嚴淨經; 嚴淨佛土經 T0334; 須摩提經; *Sumatidarikapariprccha; 佛說須摩提菩薩經 T0342; 佛說如幻三昧經 T0381; 等集眾德三昧經; 等集眾德經 T0398; 大哀經 T0399; 寶女所問經; 寶女三昧經 T0425; 賢劫經 T0433; 佛說寶網經 T0459; 佛說文殊悔過經; 文殊師利悔過 T0461; 佛說文殊師利現寶藏經; 文殊師利寶藏經 T0565; 順權女經; 順權方便經 T0585; 持心經; 持心梵天所問經 T0588; 佛說須真天子經; Suvikrantacinta devaputra pariprccha T0606; 偷迦遮復彌經 *Yogacarabhumi-sutra; 修行經; 修行道地經 T0627; 普超三昧經; 文殊支利普超三昧經; 文殊師利普超三昧經 T0635; 佛說弘道廣顯三昧經; 阿耨達龍王經 T0638; 佛說超日明三昧經 T0701; 佛說溫室洗浴眾僧經 T0812; 菩薩行五十緣身經; 菩薩緣身五十事經 T310(47); Baoji pusa hui 寶髻菩薩會; Ratnacudapariprccha; 寶結菩薩經 給孤獨氏經; Jigudu ming de jing 給孤獨明德經 阿述達女經

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of ancient alternate translations 新集安公古異經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

數練意章一卷, 15b22-23
梵志頗波羅延問尊種經一卷, 15b24 (cf. T71)
魔王入目犍蘭腹經一卷, 15c3-5
十二賢者經一卷(舊錄云十二賢經), 15c6
聞城譬經一卷, 16a2
自守亦不自守經一卷, 16a4-5 (cf. T107)
善馬有三相經一卷, 16a8-9 (cf. T114)
不聞者類相聚經一卷, 16a27
生聞披羅門經一卷, 16b7-8
有三方便經一卷, 16b13
四意止經一卷, 16b16
彌連[蓮SYM]經一卷, 16b24
羅貧壽經一卷, 16c1-2
四姓長者難經一卷, 16c4


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of ancient alternate translations 新集安公古異經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 數練意章一卷, 15b22-23 梵志頗波羅延問尊種經一卷, 15b24 (cf. T71) 魔王入目犍蘭腹經一卷, 15c3-5 十二賢者經一卷(舊錄云十二賢經), 15c6 聞城譬經一卷, 16a2 自守亦不自守經一卷, 16a4-5 (cf. T107) 善馬有三相經一卷, 16a8-9 (cf. T114) 不聞者類相聚經一卷, 16a27 生聞披羅門經一卷, 16b7-8 有三方便經一卷, 16b13 四意止經一卷, 16b16 彌連[蓮SYM]經一卷, 16b24 羅貧壽經一卷, 16c1-2 四姓長者難經一卷, 16c4 Jiu lu 舊錄 T0071; 梵志頗波羅延問尊種經; 梵志頗羅延問種尊經; 梵志阿羅延問種尊經; 梵志頞羅延問種尊經; 梵志頞波羅延問種尊經 T0107; 自守亦不自守經; 佛說不自守意經 T0114; 佛說馬有三相經; 善馬有三相經

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of anonymous translations 新集安公失譯經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

修行本起經二卷, 16c18
八念經一卷, 16c20
演道俗經一卷, 17a7
首達經一卷, 17a24
五恐怖世經一卷, 17b7
治身經一卷, 17b15
治意經一卷, 17b16
四虺喻經一卷, 17b20
十夢經一卷, 17b24
長者辯意經一卷, 17b26
自愛不自愛經一卷, 17c4
阿難八夢經一卷, 17c13
婦遇對經一卷, 17c18
阿難邠坻四時施經一卷, 17c20
呵[阿YM]調阿那含經一卷, 17c22
小五濁經一卷, 17c26
迦旃偈[+經SYM]一卷, 18a3
分陀利經一卷, 18a13
難等各第一經一卷, 18a16
惟留王經一卷, 18a22
鹹水喻經一卷, 18b6


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of anonymous translations 新集安公失譯經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 修行本起經二卷, 16c18 八念經一卷, 16c20 演道俗經一卷, 17a7 首達經一卷, 17a24 五恐怖世經一卷, 17b7 治身經一卷, 17b15 治意經一卷, 17b16 四虺喻經一卷, 17b20 十夢經一卷, 17b24 長者辯意經一卷, 17b26 自愛不自愛經一卷, 17c4 阿難八夢經一卷, 17c13 婦遇對經一卷, 17c18 阿難邠坻四時施經一卷, 17c20 呵[阿YM]調阿那含經一卷, 17c22 小五濁經一卷, 17c26 迦旃偈[+經SYM]一卷, 18a3 分陀利經一卷, 18a13 難等各第一經一卷, 18a16 惟留王經一卷, 18a22 鹹水喻經一卷, 18b6 Jiu lu 舊錄

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of translations from the Liang country 新集安公涼土異經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

須耶越國貧人經一卷, 18c10
首至問十四章經一卷, 18c14
大愛道受誡[戒SYM]經二卷, 18c19
七事本末經一卷, 19a5
耆域術經一卷, 19a10
大五濁經一卷, 19a13
權變經一卷, 19a25
七言禪利經一卷, 19a28


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of translations from the Liang country 新集安公涼土異經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 須耶越國貧人經一卷, 18c10 首至問十四章經一卷, 18c14 大愛道受誡[戒SYM]經二卷, 18c19 七事本末經一卷, 19a5 耆域術經一卷, 19a10 大五濁經一卷, 19a13 權變經一卷, 19a25 七言禪利經一卷, 19a28 Jiu lu 舊錄

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of alternate translations from the Guanzhong region 新集安公關中異經 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

阿難為蠱道呪經一, 19b10
王舍城靈鷲山經一卷, 19b15
太子辟羅經一卷, 19b27
摩訶揵陀惟衛羅盡信比丘等度經一卷, 19c4


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of alternate translations from the Guanzhong region 新集安公關中異經 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 阿難為蠱道呪經一, 19b10 王舍城靈鷲山經一卷, 19b15 太子辟羅經一卷, 19b27 摩訶揵陀惟衛羅盡信比丘等度經一卷, 19c4 Jiu lu 舊錄

In his catalogue of anonymous texts in Facicle 4 of CSZJJ, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for 110 titles, including items he states are extant, and also items he marks "presently missing". This shows that each such title, being listed in the Jiu lu, was extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. Texts among these which appear to possibly be extant are as follows, here listed alongside the ascriptions given in the present Taishō to the possibly corresponding texts (note that this comparison serves in several cases mainly to show how tenuous the T ascriptions must be, if the texts in question are indeed those listed in CSZJJ 4):

沙曷比丘功德[v.l. 德經SYM]一卷(舊錄云沙曷比丘經) T501, Faju
懈怠耕者經一卷(舊錄云懈怠耕兒[v.l. 見 M]經) T827, Huijian
善生子經一卷(舊錄云善生子一名異出六向拜經) T17, Zhi Fadu 支法度
鹽[v.l. 閻SYM]王五天使者經一卷(舊錄云[*]鹽王五使者[v.l. 天使者SYM]經) T43, Huijian
恒水戒經一卷(舊錄云恒水經) T33, Faju
戒消災經一卷(舊錄云戒消伏) T1477, Zhi Qian
忠心政行經一卷(出六度集 或云忠心經舊錄有大忠心經小忠心經) T743, Tanwulan
十二因緣章經一卷(舊錄云十二因緣經), T1508?
十二遊經一卷(舊錄云十二由經) T195, *Kālodaka
七佛父母姓字經一卷(舊錄云七佛姓字經) T4, Anon, former Wei
摩竭王經一卷(舊錄云摩竭國王經) T129, Zhu Lüyan
四輩經一卷(舊錄云四輩弟子經或云四輩學經) T769, Dharmarakṣa


In his catalogue of anonymous texts in Facicle 4 of CSZJJ, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for 110 titles, including items he states are extant, and also items he marks "presently missing". This shows that each such title, being listed in the Jiu lu, was extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. Texts among these which appear to possibly be extant are as follows, here listed alongside the ascriptions given in the present Taisho to the possibly corresponding texts (note that this comparison serves in several cases mainly to show how tenuous the T ascriptions must be, if the texts in question are indeed those listed in CSZJJ 4): 沙曷比丘功德[v.l. 德經SYM]一卷(舊錄云沙曷比丘經) T501, Faju 懈怠耕者經一卷(舊錄云懈怠耕兒[v.l. 見 M]經) T827, Huijian 善生子經一卷(舊錄云善生子一名異出六向拜經) T17, Zhi Fadu 支法度 鹽[v.l. 閻SYM]王五天使者經一卷(舊錄云[*]鹽王五使者[v.l. 天使者SYM]經) T43, Huijian 恒水戒經一卷(舊錄云恒水經) T33, Faju 戒消災經一卷(舊錄云戒消伏) T1477, Zhi Qian 忠心政行經一卷(出六度集 或云忠心經舊錄有大忠心經小忠心經) T743, Tanwulan 十二因緣章經一卷(舊錄云十二因緣經), T1508? 十二遊經一卷(舊錄云十二由經) T195, *Kalodaka 七佛父母姓字經一卷(舊錄云七佛姓字經) T4, Anon, former Wei 摩竭王經一卷(舊錄云摩竭國王經) T129, Zhu Luyan 四輩經一卷(舊錄云四輩弟子經或云四輩學經) T769, Dharmaraksa Jiu lu 舊錄 T0004; 七佛父母姓字經; Qi Fo xingzi jing 七佛姓字經 T0017; 善生子經; Shanshengzi 善生子; Yichu liu xiang bai jing 異出六向拜經 T0033; 恒水經; Heng shui jing 恒水經 T0043; Yan wang wu tianshizhe jing 閻王五天使者經; 閻羅王五天使者經; Yan wang tianshizhe jing 鹽王天使者經; Yan wang tianshizhe jing 閻王天使者經 T0129; 佛說三摩竭經; 難國王經; Xumoti nu jing 須摩提女經; Nan guowang jing 難國王經; Fenhetan wang jing 忿惒檀王經; 忿惒檀王經; Mojie wang jing 摩竭王經; Mojie guowang jing 摩竭國王經 T0195; Shi'er you jing 十二由經; 佛說十二遊經 T0501; Shahe biqiu jing 沙曷比丘經; 佛說沙曷比丘功德經 T0743; 忠心正行經; 忠心政行經 ; Zhongxin jing 忠心經; 佛說忠心經 T0769; Si bei xue jing 四輩學經; 佛說四輩經; Si bei dizi jing 四輩弟子經 T0827; 佛說懈怠耕者經; Xiedai geng'er jing 懈怠耕兒經 T1477; Jie xiaofu 戒消伏; 佛說戒消災經 T1508; 阿含口解十二因緣經

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of excerpted sūtras 新集抄經錄 Sengyou notes that a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 carries the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

睒抄經一卷, 38a27 (cf. T174, T175)
五百梵律經抄一卷, 38a28


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of excerpted sutras 新集抄經錄 Sengyou notes that a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 carries the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 睒抄經一卷, 38a27 (cf. T174, T175) 五百梵律經抄一卷, 38a28 Jiu lu 舊錄 T0174; 菩薩睒子經; Xiaozi Shan jing 孝子睒經 T0175; 睒子經; Xiaozi Shan jing 孝子睒經

In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of dubious sūtras 新集安公疑經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts.

薩和菩薩[-SYM]經一卷, 38b22
慧定普遍神通菩薩經一卷, 38c3
貧女人經一卷, 38c8
阿秋那經一卷, 38c12


In his report on Dao'an's catalogue of dubious sutras 新集安公疑經錄 Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the following titles. This shows that these titles, being listed in the Jiu lu, were extant by whatever date that catalogue was compiled. It also means, conversely, if the date of any of these texts can be determined, that the Jiu lu must date at earliest after those texts. 薩和菩薩[-SYM]經一卷, 38b22 慧定普遍神通菩薩經一卷, 38c3 貧女人經一卷, 38c8 阿秋那經一卷, 38c12 Jiu lu 舊錄

In his note on the 菩薩善戒 and 菩薩地持 sūtras, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 for the information that the "Bodhisattva precepts sūtra" was translated by Guṇavarman 求那跋摩 (cf. T1487) during the time of Emperor Wen of the (Liu) Song 宋文帝 (r. 424-452). This implies that the Jiu lu was composed during or later than the first half of the fifth century.


T2145 (LV) 62c22-63a20

In his note on the 菩薩善戒 and 菩薩地持 sutras, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 for the information that the "Bodhisattva precepts sutra" was translated by Gunavarman 求那跋摩 (cf. T1487) during the time of Emperor Wen of the (Liu) Song 宋文帝 (r. 424-452). This implies that the Jiu lu was composed during or later than the first half of the fifth century. Jiu lu 舊錄 T1487; Pusa jie jing 菩薩戒經; 佛說菩薩內戒經; Pusa jie jing 菩薩誡經

In his note on the Gagaṇagañja in the *Mahāsaṃnipāta and three versions of the Akṣayamati-nirdeśa 大集虛空藏無盡意三經記, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the date of a text by *Dharmakṣema 曇摩懺. This implies that the Jiu lu was at composed at least as late as the 410s, and possibly even the 420s (depending upon the date we take for the start of Dharmakṣema's translation activity).


T2145 (LV) 63a21-b12

In his note on the Gaganaganja in the *Mahasamnipata and three versions of the Aksayamati-nirdesa 大集虛空藏無盡意三經記, Sengyou cites a/the Jiu lu 舊錄 as evidence for the date of a text by *Dharmaksema 曇摩懺. This implies that the Jiu lu was at composed at least as late as the 410s, and possibly even the 420s (depending upon the date we take for the start of Dharmaksema's translation activity). Jiu lu 舊錄