Text: T1549; 尊婆須蜜菩薩所集論


Identifier T1549 [T]
Title 尊婆須蜜菩薩所集論 [T]
Date 384 [T1549 Preface]
Revised Dao'an 道安; Fahe 法和 [Palumbo 2013]
"handle the Indic text", [手]執梵[文], [手]執胡[本] *Dharmanandi(n) 曇摩難提, Dharmananda?; *Saṃghadeva, *Gautama Saṃghadeva, 僧迦提婆, 瞿曇僧伽提婆; Saṅghabhūti, 僧伽跋澄, 僧伽䟦澄, 衆現 [Ono and Maruyama 1933-1936]
Translator 譯 *Saṃghabhadra?, *Saṃghabhūti? 僧伽跋澄, 僧伽䟦澄 [T]
Amanuensis 筆受 Huichong 慧崇 [Ono and Maruyama 1933-1936]
Polished Zhao Zheng 趙整 [Palumbo 2013]

There may be translations for this text listed in the Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages. If translations are listed, this link will take you directly to them. However, if no translations are listed, the link will lead only to the head of the page.

There are resources for the study of this text in the SAT Daizōkyō Text Dabatase (Saṃgaṇikīkṛtaṃ Taiśotripiṭakaṃ).


Preferred? Source Pertains to Argument Details


[T]  T = CBETA [Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association]. Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. Tokyo: Taishō shinshū daizōkyō kankōkai/Daizō shuppan, 1924-1932. CBReader v 5.0, 2014.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[T1549 Preface]  Anon 未詳作者. Poxumi ji xu 婆須蜜集序. — CSZJJ T2145:55.71c8-72a8; also carried in the Taisho at T1549:28.721a3-b4.

Zhu Fonian translated; [Saṃgha]bhadra 僧伽跋澄 (*~bhūti?), [Dharma]nandi 難陀, and [Saṃgha]deva 揥/禘婆 "held [read] the Western text; and Huisong was amanuensis.

佛念譯傳。跋澄難陀揥[var. 禘]婆三人執胡本。慧嵩筆受

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Radich 2017a]  Radich, Michael. “On the Ekottarikāgama 增壹阿含經 T 125 as a Work of Zhu Fonian 竺佛念.” Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 30 (2017): 1-31. — 6-7

Radich summarises a range of external evidence that might lead us to suspect that T194, T1505, T1549 and T2045 are in fact by Zhu Fonian, despite traditional ascriptions for each text.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Ono and Maruyama 1933-1936]  Ono Genmyō 小野玄妙, Maruyama Takao 丸山孝雄, eds. Bussho kaisetsu daijiten 佛書解說大辭典. Tokyo: Daitō shuppan, 1933-1936 [縮刷版 1999]. — Volume 7, p. 108-109

Watanabe Baiyū 渡辺楳雄 writes that the preface 序 of 尊婆須蜜菩薩所集論 T1549 includes the following information:

Saṅghabhūti 僧伽跋澄/衆現 arrived in Chang'an 長安 with the original Indic text of the 尊婆須蜜菩薩所集論 in 384, and the translation was produced in the same year. Saṅgabhūti, Gautama Saṅghadeva 瞿曇僧伽禘婆/衆天 (according to Watanabe, "of Kubhā") and Dharmanandi 曇摩難提/法喜 [also 曇摩難陀] (according to Watanabe, "of Tokhāra") handled the original text 胡本. Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 made the oral translation 譯傳. Huisong 慧崇 served as amanuensis 筆受. The original had as many as 12,000 ślokas.

Entry author: Atsushi Iseki



[Bie lu (DH mss)]  "Liu Song" Zhongjing bie lu 劉宋眾經別錄, S.2872, P.3747. Dating complex and unclear.

In the "Liu Song" Zhongjing bie lu 劉宋眾經別錄, as represented by a Dunhuang manuscript fragment, P.3747, the following titles are listed, which may correspond to extant texts (in some cases, identification is rather tentative). In contrast to some other titles, which are treated in separate CBC@ entries, these titles are listed in the Bie lu without any further accompanying information (e.g. about ascription or date). Note that the Bie lu includes interlinear notes giving such information, and the scope of application of those interlinear notes is sometimes uncertain: it can be hard to tell whether they apply only to the single title preceding the note, or to a group of titles leading up to the note; and if they apply to a group of titles, how many. Titles in the DH ms. Bie lu are identified by the numbering in Tan (1991), given at the beginning of each line.

8 察微王經一卷 T152(90)
9 佛說一切施王所行檀波羅蜜經一卷 T152(13)
10 佛說薩羅國經一卷 T520
11 佛說長壽王經一卷 T161

12 佛說道神足無極變化經四卷 T816
16 無量清浄經二卷 T361
18 阿育王息壞目因緣經一卷 T2045
21 藥王藥上菩薩觀經 T1161
24 千佛因[囙]緣住經一卷 T426
26 八部佛名一卷 T429
28 賢劫千佛名一卷 T447ab
30 滅罪得福成佛經 T2871?
32 三慧經一卷 T768
37 未曾有因緣經二卷 T754
40 佛說四天王經 T590?
43 樂瓔珞莊嚴方便經一卷 T566
45 佛說仁王般若波羅蜜經一卷 T245
46 佛說遺日摩尼寶經一卷 T350
47 分別業報略經一卷 T723
48 勸發諸王要偈一卷 T1673
49 佛說淨除業障經一卷 T1494
54 觀世樓炭經一卷 T23?
55 雜阿鋡經五十卷 T99
56 雜譬喻經六卷 ?? cf. T204-T208
57 法尚住經 T819
58 婆須蜜菩薩 T1549
60 三歸五戒厭離經一卷 T72
61 分別功德經 T1507
64 權方便經 T565
68 優婆塞戒經七卷 T1488
70 後出阿彌陀佛偈一卷 T373
76 僧伽羅刹經三卷 T194
78 密迹金剛力士經五卷 T310(3)

Many of these same titles are treated as anonymous and extant in CSZJJ fascicle 4. The same is also true of a number of titles not listed here, because the texts in question appear not to be extant.

Texts presently ascribed to Dharmarakṣa and to Zhi Qian (excepting T361) are excluded from this entry, because they are treated in other CBC@ entries.

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Unebe 1970]  Unebe Toshihide 畝部俊英. "Jiku Butsunen no kenkyū: Kan'yaku Zōichi agon kyō no yakushutsu wo megutte 竺仏念の研究 漢訳『増壱阿含経』の訳出をめぐって." Nagoya daigaku bungaku bu kenkyū ronshū 名古屋大学文学部研究論集 51 (1970): 3-38. — 26-27

The main aim of Unebe's study is to address the translatorship of the extant Ekottarikāgama T125. Unebe bases his argument on a combination of rigorous scrutiny of external evidence, and the analysis of one restricted set of stylistic markers (internal evidence), viz., terms for the members of the eightfold path of the noble ones. Unebe discovers that translators down to the time of Zhu Fonian and Kumārajīva generally translated saṃyak-, as it enters into these terms (in saṃyagdr̥ṣṭi, saṃyaksaṃkalpa, etc.) as zheng 正. Zhu Fonian, however, renders the same element as deng 等: e.g. 等見、等治、等語、等業/等行、等命、等方便、等念、等定/等三昧 (with some interesting variation in both order and two individual terms, 等行 vs. 等業 and 等定 vs. 等三昧; 11).

Aside from EĀ T125 itself, Unebe finds (some of) these rare translation terms in T194, T309, T1505, T1543, and T1549. This reinforces the inference available from external evidence, that the real work of translation for all of these works was performed by Zhu Fonian (against the indications we find in the present Taishō for T194, T1505, and T1549 in particular).

Entry author: Michael Radich



[Palumbo 2013]  Palumbo, Antonello. An Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the History of the Translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經. Dharma Drum Buddhist College Research Series 7. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Co., 2013. — 32-33

Palumbo summarises the circumstances of translation of T1549 on the basis of Dao'an's preface at CSZJJ 71c8-72a28. Saṅghabhadra, Dharmanandi(n) and Saṅghadeva handled the foreign text; Zhu Fonian translated; Huisong acted as amanuensis; Dao'an and Fahe revised; and Zhao Zheng polished the text.

Entry author: Michael Radich
